Google Product Search beta/ Froogle. Jugnu Bakshi IE 332
Q.What is Google Product Search? A. Google Product search is a price comparison service launched by Google Inc in December It was originally known as ‘ Froogal’ and was invented by Craig Neville Canning a computer scientist from New Zealand. Has additional benefits : (From merchant’s perspective) 1. Does not charge fees for listing. Unlike Shopzilla, Ebay, Amazon 2.Does not charge for a product link to appear first. Unlike Amazon 3. Makes no commission on sales. Unlike Ebay, Amazon 4. Companies can directly add products to the Google database.
( From the customer’s Perspective) Google Checkout is an online payment processing service provided by Google aimed at simplifying the process of paying for online purchases. Users store their credit or debit card and shipping information in their Google Account, so that they can purchase at participating stores at the click of a button. Google Checkout also offers fraud protection, as well a unified page for tracking purchases and their status. Is it better the better than PayPal?
How does Google checkout work? A short video : WMV3sLSICaY