Agile User Story
Agile – User Story us·er stor·y uzər st ɔ ri noun A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end- user perspective. The user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement. plural noun: user stories Charter : Confidential 2
Agile – User Story Purpose Describes a feature from the customer’s perspective Anything that describes another thing looses information Promise to have a conversation Object used during Agile activities Place to capture information Don’t get hung up on the presentation, it will change Charter : Confidential 3
Agile – User Story Title Short but unique Will be used in conversation a thousand times Avoid metadata (e.g. QA only, Accounting, ASAP, etc.) Charter : Confidential 4
Agile – User Story Description Normal format As a I want so that As a defines how will benefit from this change I want describes what they want to accomplish So That defines the customer value, why they want the change As a returning customer I want to log in So that I can view previous orders Charter : Confidential 5
Agile – User Story Acceptance Criteria Normal format Given When Then Given set up the test When is the action that causes the test to happen Then is the expected result to test for Given an invalid user name is entered When the Login button is selected Then failed login message is displayed Charter : Confidential 6
Agile – User Story Size Sizing avoids using hours or days, to granular at this stage Story Points are relative, they don’t relate to time and are different between teams The smaller the better while still having customer value Needs to fit into 1 iteration Improves the accuracy of the Road Map Charter : Confidential 7