Stagecraft – Sylvan Hills High School. ????????????????


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Presentation transcript:

Stagecraft – Sylvan Hills High School


 Hue – The quality that describes the difference of one color from another (Blue, Red, Yellow, etc.)  Saturation (Chroma) – the amount (percentage) of a particular hue in a color mixture. (Fire engine red – dusty rose)  Value – the relative lightness or darkness of a color (lighter = high value, darker = low value)

 Tint – a color with a high value (from a mixture of a hue with white pigment or light)  Shade – a color with a low value (from a mixture of one or more hues and black)  Tone – a color of middle value (from a mixture of hue, black and white)

 White light contains the various colors of light.  Pigments are materials that absorb certain colors of light and reflect other colors.  The color of a pigment indicates what color light is being reflected.

 Primary colors – hues that cannot be derived or blended from any other hue.  In light – Red, Green, Blue (all together make white)  In pigments – Yellow, Magenta, Cyan(all together make black)  Secondary colors – hues that result from mixing two primary hues  In light – Yellow, Magenta, Cyan  In pigments – Red, Green, Blue

 Any two hues when mixed together produce white (light) or black(pigment).