Neal Stublen
New Element Styling html5shiv.js provided support in older IE browsers for new sectioning elements aside, header, footer, article, etc. We still need to make these render as block elements instead of inline elements (which is the default) article, aside, figure, … { display:block; }
Relational Selectors article time Descendant – time element within article element article > time Child – time element is an immediate child of an article element article + time Adjacent sibling – time element and article element share the same parent and the time element immediately follows the article element
Relational Selectors article ~ time General sibling – time element and article element share the same parent and time element appears anywhere after the article element
What Does It Select? li + li Every element in a list except the first one .clock time time elements within an element using class=“clock” #main > article article elements that are direct children of an element with the id=“main”
Attribute Selectors video[src] Matches any video element with a src attribute (regardless of its value) audio[preload=“auto”] Matches any audio element with a preload attribute set to “auto” p[lang|=“en”] Matches any p element with a lang attribute equal to “en” or starting with “en-”
Attribute Selectors div[class~=“fancy”] Matches any div element with a class attribute including the whole word “fancy” article[id^=“news”] Matches any article element containing an id that starts with “news” article[id$=“news”] Matches any article element containing an id that ends with “news”
Attribute Selectors article[id*=“news”] Matches any article element with the text “news” appearing within its id attribute
What Does It Select? time[data-autofill] Any time element with the custom attribute data-autofill article[class|=“playlist-entry”] Any article element with a class that equals “playlist-entry” or starts “playlist-entry-” [class~=“banner-ad”] Any element with the “banner-ad” class
Pseudo-class Selectors :enabled :disabled :checked :indeterminate :target (# anchor target in url) :default (among a set of elements) :valid (based on type/pattern attributes) :invalid (empty or invalid form elements)
Pseudo-class Selectors :in-range (elements w/ min/max values) :out-of-range :required (form controls) :optional (non-required form controls) :read-only (not user alterable) :read-write (user alterable)
What Does It Select? time[data-autofill] Any time element with the custom attribute data-autofill article[class|=“playlist-entry”] Any article element with a class that equals “playlist-entry” or starts “playlist-entry-” [class~=“banner-ad”] Any element with the “banner-ad” class
Structural Pseudo-classes :root (the html element) ul li:nth-child(3) Matches every li element that is the third child of a ul parent ul li:nth-last-child(2) Matches the next to last li element that is a child of a ul parent article:nth-of-type(5) Matches the fifth article element within any parent element
Structural Pseudo-classes article:nth-last-of-type(2) Matches the next to last article element within any parent element :first-child :last-child :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-child
Structural Pseudo-classes div:empty Matches any div element that has no child elements p:lang(fr) Matches any p element in a language denoted by the “fr” abbreviation :not(:disabled) Matches all elements that are not disabled
What is “n”? ul > li:nth-child(2n) Matches every other li element that is an immediate child of a ul element ul > li:nth-child(2n+1) Matches every other li element that is an immediate child of a ul element, but offset by one
Pseudo-elements Pseudo-classes target element attributes and states Pseudo-elements target text that part of the document but not accessible as part of the document tree Pseudo-elements are targeted with a double colon (::) instead of a single colon (:)
Text Nodes All text nodes have a first letter and first line ::first-letter ::first-line Make the first line of the paragraph red. Double the size of the first letter.
Selected Text The page can have selected elements ::selection ::-moz-selection (Firefox) Make selected text white.
Generating Content Pseudo-elements can be used to insert content into a document ::before ::after Add a PDF icon after a link. Insert “(PDF)” text after the anchor content.
Pre-CSS3 Colors The color red could be expressed as: #f00 #ff0000 rgb(255, 0, 0) rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) red
CSS3 Color Additions More color keywords blanchedalmond, cornflowerblue, mediumseagreen RGBA support adds alpha value to specify the color’s opacity rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4) – red, 40% opaque Make standard text at 40%, but selected text at 100%
CSS3 Color Additions HSL, HSLA Hue, saturation, lightness (and alpha) Hue is an integer value Saturation and lightness are percentages
CSS3 Color Additions opacity can also be set as a CSS property to adjust the transparency of elements on the page div.halfopaque { color: black; background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0); opacity: 0.5; } div.halfalpha { color: black; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); }
Border Radius Rounded corners can be specified on one or more corners of an element border-radius: 25px; border-radius: 10px 10px 5px 5px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-radius: 20px / 10px;
Drop Shadows Drop shadows can be added to any element box-shadow: [inset] horz vert blur spread color; IE6-IE8 uses a plug-in filter (see text) Multiple shadows can be separated by commas Shadows follow element edges
Text Shadows Shadows can also be added to text content text-shadow: top left blur color;
Ad Styling Let’s try to add the CSS necessary to style the “Wanted” ad border-radius box-shadow text-shadow