Modals mgr Anna Waligórska – Kotfas PWSZ Konin
must vs. have to must≈have to / has to rules / laws / general obligation a strong obligation, usually personal circumstance some external circumstance makes the obligation necessary makes the obligation necessary (and the speaker almost certainly agrees with the obligation)
must vs. have to : examples You must give up smoking. (= Smoking is unhealthy.) You have to give up smoking. (= The doctor has told you to do that and I am just reminding you his/her words.)
must vs. have to : examples Compare with your partner: I must be punctual. Mówię sobie, że muszę być punktualny, bo to dobra cecha. I have to be punctual. Mówię, że muszę być punktualny, bo np. tego wymagają ode mnie przepisy w pracy. We must pay her. Musimy jej zapłacić. Sami postanawiamy, że jej zapłacimy. We have to pay taxes. Musimy płacić podatki, czy tego chcemy czy nie, bo takie jest prawo. You must read this book. Musisz przeczytać tę książkę. Ja ci ją polecam. You have to read this book. Musisz przeczytać tę książkę, bo np. jest to twoja lektura obowiązkowa.
mustn’t vs. don’t have to mustn’t ≠don’t have to doesn’t have to doesn’t have to prohibition sth is not necessary strong obligation not to do sth ≈ can’t You mustn’t smoke here.You don’t have to work tomorrow. It’s a holiday.
mustn’t vs. don’t have to: examples We mustn't talk about it. It's confidential. I mustn't eat chocolate. It's bad for me. You mustn't phone me at work. We aren't allowed personal calls. They mustn't see us talking or they'll suspect something.
mustn’t vs. don’t have to: examples We don't have to get there on time. The boss is away today. I don't have to listen to this. I'm leaving. You don't have to come if you don't want to. He doesn't have to sign anything if he doesn't want to at this stage. I don’t have to go. Only if I want to.
must vs. have to must / mustn’t only in the present tense I must finish this work before I leave. You mustn’t touch this button. Must you work so hard? have to present: Does he have to go? past: He had to stay overnight in Dallas. Did she have to say that? future: They will have to arrive early. Will you have to come tomorrow?
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Bibliography 1. Bourke K.: Verbs and Tenses: Intermediate. Test it, Fix it. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Leech G., Cruickshank B., Ivanic R.: An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage. Harlow: Longman, Murphy R.: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Swan M.: Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Thomas A. J., Martinet A. V.: A practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Vince M.: Intermediate Language Practice (New Edition). Oxford: Macmillan Education 2010.