LHCb upgrade cooling Paolo Petagna Meeting on CO 2 Cooling CERN 11 March 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

LHCb upgrade cooling Paolo Petagna Meeting on CO 2 Cooling CERN 11 March 2015

LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March LHCb infrastructure workshop LHCb has held on Feb 19 th -20 th a workshop on the infrastructure for the upgrade The plans for CO2 cooling for the upgrade (Velo + UT) were presented by Burkhard Snapshot of first slide of Burkhard talk: Need to define a new WP with LHCb Total redundancy

LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March Timeline as presented at the Workshop (excerpts) Schedule driven by: –the LHC schedule, –the LHCb upgrade plan and –the availability of resources in PH-DT 2015: by summer: Concept P&ID 2015: by September: P&ID doc and first Functional Analysis 2015: October: Cooling EDR 2016: by September: Detailed 3D design of hardware 2016: October: Cooling PRR 2016: October: Launch production of Transfer Lines and Junction Box 2017: by end of EYETS (18 weeks): Install T.L. and J.B. 2017: Along the year: Plant construction 2018: by June: Install cooling systems in UXA 2018: by December: Commission the cooling systems “stand alone” 2019: July – December: Commission Velo and UT with cooling Design effort in 2015/2016 Construction 2017 Installation and start of commissioning in 2018 Complete F.A. Critical! Hard deadline! X 2 Includes electrical cabinets + software

LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March Status Q is almost gone: basic requirement docs are available for both Velo and UT, but several points on local thermal management still need clarification Tests are required for both Both teams need a TRACI No team has previous experience with CO2 testing Tests will certainly start at CERN for Velo (LHCb Bldg 20) Possibility to start at CERN under discussion also for UT (TRACI Milano likely to be available by end of April. Before that, TRACI CMS can be used) “COBRA GUI” code (beta) released to Milano for preliminary use

LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March Next moves The completion of the commissioning of TRACI V3 “AIDA” has the highest priority. Good news: TRACI V3 “Milano” is in final assembly in Sheffield and will be the next one to hit CERN (end of March?). TRACI V3 “Oxford” and “Sheffield” will follow immediately and probably hit CERN towards end of April. Need to keep a very close contact with both groups to timely intercept problems and get all the needed information for the definition of P&ID and F.A. Both test campaigns will in any case provide very useful information for general modelling: UT for evaporation in long vertical pipes (“COBRA GUI”) and Velo for evaporation in  -channels (“COBRA MICRO”). Activities in line with the R&D programme of PH-DT Cooling Preliminary discussions on basic P&ID concepts already started: wrap-up and plan of action to be discussed with Bart next week