Comment on the LHCb upgrade cooling plan Paolo Petagna Meeting on CO 2 Cooling CERN 11 March 2015
LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March Timeline as presented at the Workshop (excerpts) Schedule driven by: –the LHC schedule, –the LHCb upgrade plan and –the availability of resources in PH-DT 2015: by summer: Concept P&ID 2015: by September: P&ID doc and first Functional Analysis 2015: October: Cooling EDR 2016: by September: Detailed 3D design of hardware 2016: October: Cooling PRR 2016: October: Launch production of Transfer Lines and Junction Box 2017: by end of EYETS (18 weeks): Install T.L. and J.B. 2017: Along the year: Plant construction 2018: by June: Install cooling systems in UXA 2018: by December: Commission the cooling systems “stand alone” 2019: July – December: Commission Velo and UT with cooling Design effort in 2015/2016 Construction 2017 Installation and start of commissioning in 2018 Complete F.A. Seen as critical! Hard deadline! X 2 Includes electrical cabinets + software
LHCb upgrade cooling | 11 March Comment The Timeline was discussed internally by the PH-DT CO2 team on March 11 th. It was felt that the proposed date of October 2016 for a single PRR might place on a critical path the production of the Transfer Lines, due for installation in Q1 2017, as well as the procurement of few specific components for the plant, known to have very long lead time for delivery. It is therefore suggested to split the 2017 reviewing process in two: 1.A preliminary review around May with a limited scope and the goal of unblocking the procurement procedures for the Transfer Lines and for some specific plant components clearly identified (e.g. the pump); 2.A final PRR in October when the complete design is presented (including the full 3D model of the hardware and the Functional Analysis). The approval of this second PRR will unblock the procurement of all plant components and the extraction from the 3D model of all the fabrication drawings.