Mandir Mey Aavo Madhava O Lord Madhava! Please come into the temple of our hearts where we pray that You be enshrined
Madhava Keshava We adore You, O Lord Madhava (Lord of Lakshmi) and worship You, O the dark- haired beautiful Lord Kesava!
Aadi Narayana Aananda Sai O Lord Sai Narayana, Thou art the most ancient, primeval Lord & the source of Bliss to everyone
Aavo Aavo Atma Nivaasi Please come O the infinite, indescribable, immeasurable, self-embodied and indwelling spirit of all! Please come and be enshrined in our hearts
Radha Lola Rakhu Mayi Vitthala As Krishna You are Radha's beloved Lord and also You are Rukmini's Vitthala
Ranga Panduranga Vitthala We will chant Thy loving divine name, O Lord Panduranga Vitthala
Vitthala Vitthala Panduranga Vitthala Let us chant the divine name of Lord Panduranga Vitthala of Pandarpur, who is the savior of entire creation & bestower of auspiciousness
Vitthala Vitthala Parthi Ranga Vitthala Let us chant the divine name of Lord Vitthala, the Lord of Parthi with love and devotion