AAE 450 Spring 2008 Nicole Bryan 2/14/2008 Avionics, MAT Team MAT Results Ref: Danielle Yaple, MAT Code-writers 1
AAE 450 Spring 2008 MAT – The Big Picture Avionics 2
AAE 450 Spring 2008 MAT Results Avionics 3 3 Stages 2 Stages
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Avionics GLOW vs Cost By Delta V 4 GLOW (KG)
Sensors (updated) High Reliability Space-Rated Products Honeywell HPA200 Precision Altimeter TTL- $ Honeywell 270 Series Thermal Switch S /04- $ Honeywell PPTR Pressure Transducer- $ AAE 450 Spring
L-3 Communications Integrated Electronics Assembly –Main Electrical Interface between the Solid Rocket Booster and the Orbiter –Controls, Ignition, TVC, SRB Separation, & Power –Price TBD Range Safety Distributor –Fuse Arming and Explosive Detonation Electronics for the SRB –Price TBD AAE 450 Spring
Honeywell IMUs AAE 450 Spring 2008 Models: QA2000, QA3000 Price: $2,920-$17,045 -Will depend on specifications from DnC 7
Honeywell CPU RH32 Single Board Computer -Provides high performance, high reliability and fault tolerance for a wide range of space applications. Radiation hardened R3000 supported by COTS Ada and C tools and the COTS VxWorks real-time operating system. AAE 450 Spring