Responsibility for the city and its districts
Company portrait portfolio November 2015IFHP Lab DAZPage 2
What is affordable in Berlin today? Purchasing power | Deviation from the average 11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZSeite 3
What is affordable in Berlin today? Comparison of rents in selected cities 11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZSeite 4
What are the biggest obstacles to provide housing for all? 11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZSeite 5
11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZPage 6 About 4,200 apartments until 2018 in progress Treptow-Köpenick Tempelhof- Schöneberg Neukölln Marzahn- Hellersdorf Steglitz- Zehlendorf Mitte Charlottenburg- Wilmersdorf What is the priority to overcome such obstacles and enable action?
How can we build fast, cheap and good enough? Example: Demand of living space 11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZSeite 7
Thank you for your attention! Contact details: 11. November 2015IFHP Lab DAZSeite 8 Cordula Fay Assetmanagement Abteilungsleiterin Quartiersentwicklung degewo Potsdamer Straße Berlin Phone:+ 49 (30) Fax:+49 (30)