Community Cohesion GCSE Revision
Community Cohesion: Key Words community cohesion a common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society discrimination treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/ sexuality/age/class ethnic minority a member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group interfaith marriages marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions multi-ethnic society many different races and cultures living together in one society
multi-faith society many different religions living together in one society prejudice believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them racial harmony different races/colours living together happily racism the belief that some races are superior to others religious freedom the right to practise your religion and change your religion religious pluralism accepting all religions as having an equal right to coexist sexism discriminating against people because of their gender (being male or female)
Men and Women In the past 100 years the treatment of women has changed in the UK Women gained RIGHTS to: -VOTE -EQUAL PAY -ACT AGAINST DISCRIMINATION Now ACCEPTED that: - Women should have chance of a career - Men should share household chores Sexism - discrimination on the basis of gender
Christianity and the role of women Men and women should have equal roles in life Men and women are equal St Paul said women shouldn’t SPEAK in church The PRIEST represents JESUS in MASS and he was a MAN JESUS only chose male DISCIPLES because of the CULTURE of the time St Paul said wives should submit to their husbands St Paul said there is NETIHER MALE NOR FEMALE fro you are ONE IN CHRIST JESUS treated women as his EQUALS Man is the head of the household Evangelical Protestants No women priests Women priests Roman Catholics Liberal Protestants
Multi Ethnic Britain Many RACES living together in ONE SOCIETY Ethnic minority = a member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority. Understanding – an insight into other beliefs/ nationalities Tolerance – people see there’s more than one religion/race Culture – life more interesting: more food, fashion etc. Multi-Ethic Society Benefits New ideas & new ways of doing things. People get to know each other, intermarry, more peace.
SOME PROBLEMS OF DISCRIMINATON & RACISM IN THE UK. Prejudiced police officers may stop & search ethnic minorities for no real reason. Some people who are victims of discrimination have turned to crime. Some groups feel they are treated unfairly so they start to work against society. Racist groups like the BNP can stir up hatred & violence. Racist or religious prejudiced employers will not give jobs to certain ethnic or religious groups.
How the Government promotes Community Cohesion in the UK Community Cohesion = A common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society. The Equality & Human Rights Commission was set up to Fight against racial discrimination and promote equality. Community Cohesion has been made part of the national curriculum in schools. By PASSING LAWS LIKE… THE RACE RELATIONS ACT (1976) This law makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on the basis of RACE, COLOUR or NATIONALITY in the sphere of JOBS, HOUSING and EDUCATION or stir up RACIAL HATRED. THE CRIME & DISORDER ACT that allows severe punishments for racial or religious hatred. RACIAL & RELIGIOUS HATRED ACT that makes it an offence to use threatening words about the beliefs of others.
Christianity & Racial Harmony Prejudice = making judgements about people before you know them Discrimination = Acting on a prejudice Racism = discriminating on the basis of race JESUS treated everyone equally God CREATED all races in His IMAGE Christianity OPPOSES Racism Parable of GOOD SAMARITAN says races who HATE each other (like JEWS and SAMARITANS) should LOVE each other The CHURCH is WORLDWIDE with members from EVERY RACE
Multi Faith Britain Religious Freedom=the right to practise your religion & change it. Religious PLURALISM=accepting all religions have an equal rights. Learn about other religions Less religious conflicts. People can consider their own beliefs. The benefits of living in a multi-faith society. More understanding and respect for the religions of others. Interfaith marriages. (when the husband & wife are from different religions) deciding which faith the children should be brought up in. Bringing up children. They may leave their parents faith The problems of living in a multi-faith society. Trying to convert other religions could be seen as Discrimination.
How religions work to promote community cohesion in the UK Religions work together to find what is the same about their religions and how they can live side by side without trying to convert each other. Making sure all children learn about different faiths in school. Working together in inter faith groups (like the Inter Faith Network) to promote community cohesion. Having special mixed-faith marriage services .
Christianity and Other Faiths All Christians believe in RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, but differ as to whether they have the TRUTH and whether they should try to CONVERT others They’re just different ROADS to GOD People of ALL religions will be in HEAVEN, so we should ACCEPT other RELIGIONS and not CONVERT them Jesus said – I am the WAY. NO-ONE comes to GOD except BY ME ONLY CHRISTIANS will got to HEAVEN, so we have a duty to CONVERT others Evangelical Protestants: ONLY Christians have the TRUTH Roman Catholics: Christians have the FULL TRUTH, but other religions HAVE bits of the TRUTH Liberal Protestants: ALL religions have TRUTH equally ONLY CHRISTIANS can be SURE, but others MIGHT
Work of a Christian Church to help Asylum Seekers and Immigrant workers legal advice clinics to help them settle in UK funds to help refugees with the basic necessities of life Church services in other languages to help maintain faith Church of England: Church Action on Poverty…campaigns for justice for refugees
Why? In his story of the Good Samaritan Jesus taught that everyone has a duty to help those who need help. Christians can show their love of God and compassion for others by helping immigrants and asylum seekers. Why? . In the Bible it shows that God wants his followers to seek justice for everyone as shown in the Book of Amos in the Old Testament. Christians should follow the Golden Rule of treating others as they themselves would like to be treated. At one time in his life Jesus himself was an asylum seeker when his family fled into Egypt. The Christian Church teaches that no-one should be oppressed or treated badly therefore Christians have a duty to help asylum seekers and immigrant workers.
Community Cohesion in the Media Issue: Women priests and vicars Why was this issue chosen? The producers of the Vicar of Dibley decided to focus on the issue of women priests as just before the first episode was made the first women priests had been ordained in the Church of England (1994) and this caused a lot of interest and debate. How was the issue presented? The issue of women priests was presented well as the programme explains the arguments for and against women priests. It presented a very positive and non-stereotypical portrayal of a woman priests as a fun, caring, down to earth personality.
Was it fair to religious people and their beliefs? Yes - because it referred to the Christian belief that Jesus only chose male disciples so explained why some think women can’t be priests. It presented a positive image of women priests. No - it showed religious people as bigoted (Mr Horton) or stupid (Alice) and some people were offended that it presented a woman priest who didn’t take her role seriously enough. (Geraldine makes jokes about religious ideas)