Facilitating Access and Reuse of Research Materials: the Case of The European Library Nuno Freire The European Library RESAW Seminar December 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Facilitating Access and Reuse of Research Materials: the Case of The European Library Nuno Freire The European Library RESAW Seminar December 2013

Presentation outline Introduction of The European Library Its role within research infrastructures and virtual research environments Possible contributions for RESAW

Introduction of The European Library

The European Library  The European Library provides access to research materials from of Europe’s national and research libraries Its most visible service is the portal

The European Library - Council of Europe representation

The European Library  Provision of services based on exploiting the centralization of pan-European bibliographic data and digital content A portal and an API Promoting the re-use of these digital resources in many contexts Library domain aggregator for Europeana Mediator of cultural heritage resources in research projects/contexts

The European Library’s role within research infrastructures and virtual research environments

Projects in Research Contexts  CENDARI Collaborative European Digital Archive Infrastructure Started in 2012 Running for 5 years  Europena Cloud Project coordinated by The European Library Started in February 2013 Running for 3 years

Project CENDARI  Will provide access to existing archives and resources in Europe for the study of medieval and modern European history  The challenges for CENDARI Hidden Collections (Archives and Libraries) Methodologies (Historians) Enquiry Environment (e-Scientists) Connectivity (Project Management) Understanding of Humanities Research Infrastructure (Environment)

Project CENDARI  The project is providing Virtual Research Environments for the study of Medieval Manuscripts and World War I Main contributions from The European Library Expertise on ontologies and data aggregation – in library domain data – in the Europeana Data Model Resource identification, location and curation for the VRE – from the library domain – from the wider Europeana context

Project Europeana Cloud  This project builds up on the Europeana infrastructure to make cultural heritage materials available for research  It will setup a research infrastructure providing discovery services and tools: A cloud infrastructure for data and contents The licensing framework for reuse of content A new research platform: Europeana Research

 The project will analyse how academic users work with data and how they perceive the value of the content in Europeana Will be the basis of the content strategy of Europeana Research Will provide understanding of scholarly workflows to be supported  To be carried out jointly with: DARIAH - Network of arts and humanities researchers CESSDA - Council of European Social Science Data Archives Project Europeana Cloud A new research platform: Europeana Research

Possible contributions for RESAW

 Currently, The European Library does not have any ongoing activity addressing web archives  Several of the European Web Archives are maintained by its members Can reach many European Web Archives maintained by National and Research Libraries

Possible contributions for RESAW  Dissemintation and Comunication Within libraries’ web archiving activities Reaching web archives users  Technical and Operations Data and resource aggregation expertise Resource identification, standardization and selection  Organizational and Legal The European Library is a established organization with a sustainable business model Has in place a data licencing framework and active discussion groups for licensing issues

Thank you Contacts: Nuno Freire –