Group Name: oneM2M WG1 Requirements Source: Phil Hawkes, Rapporteur “Benefits of oneM2M technology” TR, Meeting Date: Agenda Item: 7 “Contributions” BENEFITS OF ONEM2M TECHNOLOGIES
Scope 2 Audience: Vertical industry segment stakeholders Purpose: Trigger feedback from [the Audience] Content: Highlights potential benefits of oneM2M communication technology to [the Audience] Note: current title of presentation is a placeholder only
Outline Motivators: – Audience Priorities oneM2M intends to address Description of oneM2M Technology Benefits of oneM2M Details of the oneM2M Functionalities Terminology 3
Motivators oneM2M believes that [the Audience] wants improvements in the following aspects of the M2M ecosystem: – Improved Functionality-Price-Quality (FPQ) tradeoffs: improved FPQ tradeoffs in sourcing, development and integration of the Components comprising their M2M solutions “Price” includes impact of CAPEX, OPEX and Time-to-market [1] – Enhanced Scalability: Scales to large deployments – Greater Choice: a range of providers from which to source Components comprising their M2M solutions range of options for structuring their deployment – Greater Opportunities: For example, [the Audience] would like the ability to share data and other resources by partnering with other stakeholders. By- products include improved FPQ tradeoffs and new revenue streams 4
DESCRIPTION OF ONEM2M TECHNOLOGY One sentence description of oneM2M technology Easy-to-digest description of oneM2M technology 5
One sentence description oneM2M aims to enable improved Functionality-Price-Quality tradeoffs of future end-to-end M2M solutions, whilst providing scalability, greater choices and opportunities for [the Audience] by standardizing a set of valuable, Generic M2M-communication Capabilities that incorporate the necessary interactions with Underlying Networks. 6
Easy-to-digest description of oneM2M Figure & text showing relationship between – Applications – oneM2M Technology – Underlying Networks Should not imply an architecture 7
Underlying Networks Interface to capabilities Example only 8 M2M App oneM2M Capabilities
Goal of this document Background – This document provides a broad description of how the aims of oneM2M might be met by potential capabilities and features that oneM2M is considering for the upcoming release. All capabilities and features in this document should be treated as potential only. Objective – Request feedback in order to help oneM2M prioritize its work. 9
Summary of Benefits 1.Benefits of standardizing generic capabilities 2.Benefits of incorporating interactions with underlying networks 3.Benefits of valuable capabilities directly addressing the Motivators 11
Benefits of Standardizing Generic Capabilities 12 Improved FPQ Tradeoffs Enhanced Scalability Greater Choice Greater Opportunities Specifications can be used as the basis for certifying # interoperability & quality Interoperable Components from multiple providers Economies of scale Extensive Application Development Ecosystem # Note: at the time of writing, it is not clear if oneM2M will provide certification. Even if oneM2M does not provide the certification, one or more other groups may certify against part or all of the oneM2M specifications.
Benefits of Incorporating Interactions with Underlying Networks 13 Wider range of options for the [Audience] in selecting an underlying network Application developers can ignore details of usage of underlying network, simplifying development while benefiting from integrated efficiency & reliability Improved FPQ Tradeoffs Enhanced Scalability Greater Choice Greater Opportunities
Capabilities Capability Features SharingSharing of content between M2M Applications. Support for sharing with partners. Content is opaque. Standardized metadata provides control. Possible processing of visible data includes: filtering; aggregating; simple arithmetic ops (average, sum, etc.) Content-Aware Processing Sharing Capability features plus processing with varying degree of “understanding” of Content data elements: e.g. data type, data value and/or semantics. Security Framework & Access Control Provisioning, access control, authentication and security mechanisms for protecting oneM2M capabilities. Support for enabling App-to-App security. Remote Device Management Provisioning. Remote reporting from Device (e.g. for maintenance) and remote configuring (e.g. settings, software and firmware management). Communication Efficiency & Reliability Selecting and establishing connectivity on an underlying network. Scheduling communication. Delivery confirmation/progress reporting. Robustness in the presence of lossy links. Broadcast/multicast support. 14 NOTE: Initial text to explain partitioning of features.
Benefits of Valuable Capabilities 15 Communication Efficiency & Reliability Sharing Security Framework and Access Control Remote Device Management Content-Aware Processing Improved FPQ Tradeoffs Enhanced Scalability Greater Choice Greater Opportunities Ability to share data & assets with partners Reduced traffic volume More value extracted from underlying network Improved end-product quality Better power consumption Reduced field agent call-outs
Sharing Capability 17 Field/Cloud to Field/Cloud Sharing Metadata-aware Processing Sharing Content-Aware Processing Remote Device Management Security Framework and Access Control Content Origin Metadata Entity Descriptions Searchable Tags Content Delivery Guidance Event Notification Metadata Functions Filtering/Searching Aggregating content Simple Arithmetic on metadata (sum, mean, max, min) Communication Efficiency & Reliability
Content-Aware Processing 18 Data-Type-Aware Procedure Language Sharing Content-Aware Processing Remote Device Management Security Framework and Access Control Data-Type-Aware Description Language Data-Type- Aware Processing Semantics- Aware Processing Semantics-Aware Procedure Language Semantics-Aware Description Language Filtering/Searching Aggregating content Simple Arithmetic Operations (sum, mean, max, min) Communication Efficiency & Reliability
Security Framework and Access Control 19 oneM2M-to-oneM2M class App-to-oneM2M class Sharing Content-Aware Processing Remote Device Management Security Framework and Access Control Security Framework Classes Authentication Framework Passphrase High-Entropy Key Certificate Static root of trust Dynamic root of trust App-to-App class Identity Static Identity Dynamic Identity TBD (another page?)Access Control Communication Efficiency & Reliability
Remote Device Management 20 Communication Efficiency & Reliability Sharing Content-Aware Processing Remote Device Management Security Framework and Access Control Reporting Data from Devices Controlling Data on Devices Log Reports Fault Reports Performance Reports Reporting Configuration Settings Updating Configurations Managing Software & Firmware Adding new Software (E.g. Applications) Software/Firmware updates Removing Software Maintenance Reporting
Communication Efficiency 21 Interface to M2M-specific features of the underlying network (e.g. triggering, location broadcast) Communication Efficiency & Reliability Sharing Content-Aware Processing Remote Device Management Security Framework and Access Control Selecting an appropriate underlying network & scheduling Support for Content Delivery Guidance metadata Delivery confirmation /Progress reporting Robustness in the presence of lossy links
APPENDICES Terminology References 22
Terminology NameDescription M2M Application (App)TBD App-to-App CapabilityTBD ComponentHardware, software and services that combine to produce an M2M solution ContentData produced or consumed by Applications Content-AwareAware of the data model and/or semantics of Content GenericCommon to two or more applications or vertical segments Underlying networksAccess networks, core networks, busses and other technology assisting in data transport 23
References 1.“oneM2M Standardization”, Available from Material_for_Verticals/oneM2M Standardization_ zip Material_for_Verticals/oneM2M Standardization_ zip 24
OLD SLIDES – DELETE BEFORE PUBLICATION Saved here in case they are useful in future. 25
Figure by Farooq Bari, AT&T 26
Figure by Tim Carey, ALU 27