The Use of HRM Practice in International and Domestic Organizations
Study 1 -HRM different practices between multinational and domestic companies -Belgium, 1991 and 117 companies Study 2 -Examined the HR policies and practices of 478 multinational corporations -Europe, U.S, Japan (1) what MNC do to attract, retain and motivate people ? (2) how this affect their performance
How different are the HR practice of multinational companies from those of domestic firms ? Previous Research- 1. Geographical Spread 2. MNEs’ complex & diverse 3. stakeholders’ influence
The 1991 Survey - Belgium
Occurrence in % of Firms HRM Practices Domestic (N=46) Multinational (N=71) 個人性格檢核 內部僱用升遷決策 新員工的正式介紹 人事經理參與策略規劃 正式人力調配計劃 績效評估或面談 與績效配合之獎勵 高績效之特別報酬 1 23 正式的工作評估 員工分配及支援 品管圈 正式申訴管道 分權決策 與員工溝通公司目標 員工認股 37 70
The influence of business sector and strategy on HRM practices 1. High product innovation strategy - quality circle - career guidance programmes - specialised career paths - creativity assessment for new hires 2. Industry sector Service Co. - pay to performance - delegate authority to the lowest possible level Manufacturing Co. - job security - flexible working arrangements - financial support to external training courses
3. Management philosophy - delegate responsibility - flexible working arrangements - openly share - quality circle The 1995 Study - Purcell(1987): Sector and competitive strategy important to attract, select, reward employees ? study limits study include 478 international co. - European co. such as Nestile’ Philips ABB - U.S Japan - 67% high tec & E
What are the most common HRM strategies and approaches adopted by international organizations ? - 64 statements - 2 sets of factors 1. 留住並吸引員工的人力資源策略 2. 僱用, 升遷與獎酬員工的準則
- policies and practices to attract and retain a group of qualitfied and motivated people 1. 員工安全保障 2. 提供技能訓練與發展 3. 內部升遷與僱用 4. 職業發展與保障 5. 專業技能發展 6. 分權且自主性的決策 7. 參與團隊合作之機會 8. 公平的獎酬標準 9. 卓越績效之表揚與獎金 10. 公司目標與成果的分享 11 預應式的人事規劃及人力資源管理策略
- Criteria for recruiting, rewarding and promoting people 1. 創造力 2. 資歷 3. 組織地位與層級 4. 遵從組織之規範與價值觀 5. 專業程度與經驗 6. 個人績效成就 7. 忠誠度 8. 國際經驗 9. 工作效率與生產力 10. 需求與期望
Cluster Analysis Cluster A: 1.Low the sample mean- Employment security Training & Development Career development Teamwork HR planning 2. Low importance of- Creativity Commitment Personal needs Above the overall mean for- Specialisation Seniority Task efficiency *Main HR Goal (Strategies) ?
Cluster B 1.Above the overall sample mean- Recognise employees’ contributions Openly share information Employees’ career planning and growth Employment security Training opportunities Career development Reward people for performance 2.emphasise on- Creativity Personal achievements International experience *Main HR Goal (Strategies) ?
Cluster C High- A Employment security Promotin opportunities B Recognize Reward high performance Professionalism Past performance Internal experience *Main HR Goal (Strategies) ?
Cluster D: High in all High level of teamwork Reward & recognition for high performance except training & development *Main HR Goal (Strategies) ?
How different are European companies from their American and Japanese counterparts? Japanese- high: Training Job Security Promotion opportunity Equality Seniority Efficiency Conformity US- high: Openness Equality Recognition Career development Training Low: Job security Conformity International experience Personal achievement Commitment Creativity
European- high: International experience Personal needs Expectations Low: Employee training Equality Job security Recognition Different selection, rewards, and promotion between countries: French: Senority British: Commitment Achievement Low creativity German: Efficiency International experience Low commitment