Justin Checchio period
Dough ball Flour Parmesan Cheese Mozzarella Cheese Tomato Sauce Toppings (pepperoni, mushrooms, ect)
Materials Pizza oven Pizza paddle Ladle Pizza screen Pizza cutter Pizza box
Step 1 get a dough ball Step 2 put flour on both sides Step 3 stretch dough to fit on screen Step 4 get out ladle and tomato sauce
Steps Step 5 cover stretched dough with sauce but leave a little dough with out sauce around the edges Step 6 sprinkle a little bit of parmesan cheese on top of the sauce
Steps Step 7 put on the mozzarella cheese to cover the sauce. Step 8 put on toppings if necessary Step 9 get out the pizza paddle and put the uncooked pizza on it then put it in the oven
Steps Step 10 wait 5 minutes then take the screen out from under the pizza. Step 11 after 10 more minutes take out pizza Step 12 get out pizza cutter and cut pizza according to size Step 13 put in pizza box
Challenges The dough can be old The sauce can be old The cheese can be old You can stretch the dough to big You can use to much sauce You can use to much cheese
Challenges You can use to many toppings You can burn it You can cut it wrong