Team 6 Final Project: a MultiTouch multi-player game Amanda Shockley Brian Shrader Paul Stamatiou
Multi-touch Asteroids Game Our game is influenced by the older Asteroids game, with several notable changes allowing for Multi-touch interactivity. Gameplay is rather simple. –There can be up to 4 players on the screen, each a different color to differentiate between them. –The playfield is constantly moving and there are 4 different sizes of asteroids which players must shoot with their lasers, dodge or fling toward opponents. –Players can attack other players but must be aware of their surroundings and avoid drifting off the playfield. –3 indicators behind every ship indicate health. Red indicators show damage.
We began with a few simple sketches. Design Process And then progressed to a basic Flash mockup.
Interaction Overview
Damage Overview
On a Multi-touch display… The playfield would be much larger than our 800x600 demo and we would likely have to alter the size of the ships so they would be easier to touch. The algorithm for determining the number of asteroids on screen would need to be adjusted to accommodate the larger playfield.
Time for a live demo!