Warm Up: Body, Breath, Voice In coaching pairs, design your warm up Body Breath Voice
Perform hook and first paragraph Take turns, A then B... Read your hook and first paragraph to your partner Put your speech on the floor in front of you and perform to your partner. Without paper support, perform to your partner. Coach each other (What…?)
Coaching your partner (WHAT…?) ●Probe ● Clarify ● Explain ●Provoke ●Challenge ●Ask the essential questions ●Ask subsidiary questions ●What did you want to achieve by…? ●What could you do to…? ●What was the purpose of…? ●What would ensure that…?
Self/Peer assessment (self = own pen/ peer = red pen) Focus: Holding an audience WWW EBI LR Focus: Coaching skills/working with a partner WWW EBI LR