Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions 4.6 p. 305
The denominator becomes the numerator. The numerator becomes the denominator. The fraction is “flipped” or inverted.
Write the problem Keep the first number (dividend) Change the division sign to multiplication Flip (invert the divisor) and multiply by this reciprocal. Keep Change Flip
Cancelling in multiplication only!!
How many 45 minute games can be played in 6 hours? 1 game * 1 game * 1 game * 1 game * 1 game * 1 game * 6 games + 2 more
What is happening in our equation??????? When we multiply 6 x 4, we are finding how many fourths are in 6 hours. There are 24 fourths in 6 hours. The 24 that we have is now divided into groups of 3. Twenty four sections divided by 3 gives us our 8 games.
1 2 Equations
Models 6 This next part is a bit tricky…..we are talking about 4 sections, right? Well, there are 2 left over. Two is ½ of 4, so 2 ½ Next slide
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