Quarter 1 Grade Review SENIOR ENGLISH 2015
Purpose I will identify and analyze the correlation between the assignments, the skills and knowledge outlined in the standards-based rubric, and my current grade in class I will reflect on my learning from this quarter. I will identify strengths, areas for improvement, and goals for next quarter.
Materials Standards Rubric Master Copy Skyward: S1 Progress Report (for Senior English class) Quarter 1 Grade Review Example Grade Review directions
Directions Locate and open all materials Save a copy of the “Standards Rubric Master Copy” in your student folder Open your copy and start editing!! Use the “Review” tab in MS Word “new comment” Make your standards rubric document look like the example!! Category Assignments & Scores Enter the assignment title, date, score earned, and category in the grade book (daily work; quiz; assessment)
Exit Ticket Write me a note! This is your ticket out the door! Dear Ms. Bochenek,… What were you confused about What do you now understand Write 1-2 specific goals for 2 nd quarter in Senior English (Use the language of the rubric!)