Health Teachers 6th Grade: Collins, Spector, Henry, Kearney 7th Grade: Jay, Santaniello, Odato 8th Grade: Kearney, Spector, Mina
6th Grade Health Topics Wellness Physical, Mental/Emotional, Social Body Systems Adolescence and Puberty Personal Health (Hygiene) Drugs and Alcohol (Tobacco and Smoking) Consumerism
7th Grade Health Topics Wellness Physical, Mental/Emotional, Social Drugs and Alcohol Male and Female Reproductive System Nutrition Decision Making (refusal skills) Dating
8th Grade Health Topics Wellness Physical, Mental/Emotional, Social Mental and Emotional Health (Grief Reaction) Dating and Dating Violence (Peer Pressure) Drugs and Alcohol Pregnancy and Contraception Sexually Transmitted Infections Fetal Development and Childbirth
Commonly Shown Movies and Videos 6th Grade The Sandlot (Social health, tobacco use) Tobacco videos 7th Grade The Body Story “Teen Dreams” (body changes during adolescence and puberty) Drug videos
Commonly Shown Movies and Videos 8th Grade The Miracle of Life (Fetal development and childbirth) Life Begins
Family Life Bulletins All family life bulletins are posted on the school website use%20this.pdf
Letter to the parents Please look for a letter from your child’s health teacher regarding family life.
State Standards pe/standards.pdf