Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Welcome to Planning for Economic Growth & Development Unit One : Introduction and Perspectives on Economic Growth & Development Unit 1 Course Logistics Course layout & Assignments Welcome
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Contact Office Hours: Primary – Phone and occasionally I will be on AIM: seabrooks09 – Tuesday’s 4pm to 6pm eastern
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Seminar’s - Monday’s 10pm to 11pm Eastern Time. 10 Points for each seminar February /6; 2/13; 2/20; and 2/27 – 4 Seminars March /12; 3/19; 3/26 – 3 Seminars April /2 – 1 Seminar
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Discussion Board – Each week there is one or two discussion questions, worth 20 points Across at least 3 days a week Response to the Topic question(s) Responses to at least 2 classmates Responses are original, thoughtful, relevant, include original evaluation, and advance the discussion Please ensure contributions are made in a timely manner to allow for student feedback ( Week’s 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 has 2 Topics )
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Discussion Board – Each week there is one or two discussion questions, worth 20 points Communications must be professional and civil at all times. All posts must be done in an environment which is collaborative. Please make sure your message is substantive – more than “I agree” or less than a paragraph response. When you use information from our textbook or other sources you MUST cite references. Wait to response to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. (Contact Professor) ( Week’s 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 has 2 Topics )
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Late Work – All assignments are due on the due date. Failure to submit on time can result in 5% deduction per week will be assessed on all late work. No late work will be accepted more than 3 weeks after the original due date or after the conclusion of Unit 7 without an extenuating circumstance AND prior instructor approval. Extenuating Circumstances: Contact your instructor immediately if you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing assignments, projects, and quizzes, attending seminars, or participating in the class.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Attendance – 21 consecutive days not in attendance will drop you from the course. If I do not see you and your grade is 70% or lower I will call. Text – Located under each unit (Reading) or DocSharing under (2 - eBook ) - Also, Internet Resources Dropbox – The location that all assignments are to be submitted.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Logistics Gradebook – Each week I will post your feedback for each assignment within 5 days from the due date. Plagiarism – Is not permitted (Syllabus) As Diane Hacker writes in Rules for Writers (6 th edition): “Three different acts are considered plagiarism: (1) failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas, (2) failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and (3) failing to put summaries and paraphrases in your own words” (p. 480).
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, What is this Course about? This course explores the context, theory, process, and practice of economic development planning and policy. Topics we will study include: differing theories and conceptual explanations of the economic development process; international, national, and regional factors affecting economic development; contrasting economic development approaches and methods; and the impact of international agencies and initiatives on economic outcomes.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Unit Unit 1 – Introduction and Perspective on Economic Growth and Developlment 1. Introduce yourself to your classmates 2. Read : Chapters 1, 2, 7 & 9 (eTextbook: Taylor and Weerapana); and Lecture Notes 3. Review : Internet Resources 4.Take part in Discussion - Respond to the Discussion Board - 20 Points (1 Questions) 5. Attend Seminar - 10 Points ( 02/6/2012 ) 6.Preview Final Project ( 225 Points ) – April 3, 2012
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Course Unit Unit 2 – Applying Theories to Real Measures of Economic Growth & Development 1. Read : Chapters 5-6, 11-13(eTextbook: Taylor and Weerapana); 3-4 (eTextbook: Todaro and Smith); and Lecture Notes 2. Review : Internet Resources 3.Take part in Discussion - Respond to the Discussion Board - 20 Points (2 Questions) 4. Attend Seminar - 10 Points ( 02/13/2012 ) 5.Complete Assignment ( 100 Points ) – February 14, 2012
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Applying Theories Unit 2 - Assignment You will compare the Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory to Supply-Side Economics. Based on your comparison of these two prominent academic theories, you will assess their role in promoting economic growth and development through the examination of two contemporary national policies aimed at promoting economic growth and development.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Applying Theories Unit 2 – Assignment Short Paper In a 1-2 page paper, explain how a proponent of the Keynesian macroeconomic theory would critique the following contemporary national policies aimed at promoting Economic Growth and Development. Then explain how a proponent of Supply-Side Economics would respond.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Applying Theories Unit 2 – Assignment National Policies Policy #1 President Obama’s Stimulus Plan passed in early 2009, made up of almost $800 billion in new federal spending on "shovel ready" public infrastructure and other projects. Policy #2 The Obama Administration’s decision to allow the Bush Tax Rate Reductions to expire at the end of This would raise the top tax rates on Dividends and Capital Gains back to their pre-2003 levels.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Applying Theories Unit 2 – Assignment In your paper, you don’t have to discuss the details of each policy, just their basic nature and stated goals and how one would use these two prominent academic theories to assess their role in promoting Economic Growth and Development. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful position paper must also meet the following criteria:
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Assignment Unit 2 – Assignment (APA Format) Length should be 1-2 pages, excluding cover page and references; in 12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable). Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Appropriate citation style should be followed.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Applying Theories Unit 2 – Assignment
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, References Taylor, J. B. & Weerapana, A., (2010). Principles of macroeconomics (6 th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Todaro, M. P. & Smith, S.C., (2009). Economic development (10 th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Kaplan University - Adjunct Professor Tomicka Seabrooks: December 14, Adjourn Have a great week… “See” you on the Discussion Boards Goodnight!