6, from 2014 Freshman Enrollment 99% 1,287 Completed A&O 1, from 2014 Transfer Enrollment (does not include online degrees) 99% 6,789 Completed A&O
Percentage who agree or strongly agree.
0 = Not at all influential 4 = Extremely influential
Winter A&O Save the Dates! Winter A&O Program Dates (for Freshmen and Transfers) Program schedule will remain the same as fall 2015 program with advising times being 1, 1:30, 2 & 2:30pm. If you are interested in hosting a group advising session please Ali at MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday A&O 16 A&O A&O 22 A&O Christmas Eve 25 Christmas Day A&O New Year’s Eve 1 New Year’s Day 4 Winter Quarter Begins 5678
Transfer A&O – Transfer Admin Console (TAC): TAC: Will open to advisers on November 1 st. Please enter your availability by November 13 th. TAC will go live to Winter admits on November 23 rd. TAC Training: If you are new to your role, or if you would just like a TAC refresher please to schedule an individual or group training. TAC Information Website: Visit fyp.washington.edu/tacinfo for helpful hints and reminders around how to set your A&O availability. A&O Updates
Event Submission – NOW OPEN! Be a part of Dawg Daze Learn more at uwdawgdaze.com Dawg Daze Leaders – Applications open April 22 nd, great leadership opportunity for students!