Fast Track Training Australia 1
Each unit or topic has a set of tasks you must do before beginning the assessment These tasks are key to your success Skipping these tasks can cause big issues later on such as during the placement Even if you have experience do not skip the learning part Tip: Students with experience or prior training tend to skip the learning and have a much higher rate of not passing. 2
Time each day, week etc. Don’t completely stop studying if you get busy Write down a checklist of things to do each session 3
Submit online is preferred Some trainers may use the online portal Keep a copy We only mark if it has a front cover Must be typed and professional including editing TIP: Get someone to edit your work, leave it for a few days and edit yourself! ****Resubs are to be expected**** 4
Copying other peoples work or ideas Copying other students is collusion. Changing words is still plagiarism!! Hint: put everything in your own words!! Plagiarism is cheating!!! You may be removed from the course or required to complete all assessments under invigilation. 5
Drop out early before cut off date Remember that you pay for your course regardless of if you do any work so make the most of it! Remember your enrolment period (normally 12 months) – must get ALL assessments 100% done by that date. Extensions may be granted by don’t assume they will be Extensions are usually on a per month basis currently $170 per month for Cert III. 6
Not to be done until ALL written assessments completed Be organised (if you organise tell us well in advance, don’t change dates etc.) We can organise or you can Hint: Be ready for the workplace visits and they go quicker, are smoother and much less stressful – know what is expected. 7
Not organised and time running out 1. Been in hospital, children sick or other medical issue What do you think the most common reason given by students is?? 2. Don’t have time due to work FTTA average student age is 36, 1-2 children, working 22 hours per week. Completion rate: 80-90% 8
Staff – learning is frustrating but please don’t take it out on staff. We are just doing our job the best we know how! WPL and during class – we will remove you if behaviour is anything but professional. No phones in class at all. Make sure they are on silent of away. Demeanour is an important part of your assessments – we don’t give qualifications to people who should not work in certain industries. Enjoy yourself but be respectful of others. 9
Be organised and plan your year, week, day etc. Be prepared to be frustrated and annoyed (it happens whenever we learn something new) Keep in contact with your trainer Ask questions, do research and make the most of it. Final tip – YOU need to do the work!! Spend time on it and you will get there eventually. Don’t procrastinate and always have a plan. General advice only. Consult your training contract. V