June 9, 2015 Public Hearing 1
NUE Urban Concepts, LLC on behalf of Celebration Pointe Holdings, LLC Amendments to Chapter 404 Use Regulations Article 10, Section Vehicle Sales and Service Chapter 410 Definitions ◦ Delete Automotive Sales and Service ◦ Amend Vehicle Sales and Service 2
Chapters 404 Use Regulations ◦ Section Vehicle Sales and Service (a)All Vehicles for sale shall be kept in a fully enclosed building., except that one vehicle per 5,000 square feet of building area may be displayed internal to the block. For multi-tenant buildings only the area of the establishment selling the vehicles may be counted toward the calculation of vehicles allowed. The location of these vehicle display areas shall be identified on the development plan. 3
(c) ◦ In developments greater than 100 acres in size, inventory for vehicle sales and service may also be located interior to a block or within a transitional off-street parking area as provided for in §407.68(c) 1.e or §407.68(c) 1.f. No additional signage shall be allowed on the transitional off- street parking area. If the inventory is in a parking area that is at the perimeter of the development, the parking area shall be screened from adjacent uses by a medium density buffer as provided for in § of this ULDC. 4
Automotive sales and services: The sale or storage of new and used automobiles, service stations, paint and body repair shops, automotive repair garages, and including the sales and servicing of any automotive component. Vehicle sales and service: The sale or storage of new and used vehicles automobiles, service stations, paint and body repair shops, automotive repair garages, and including the sales and servicing of any vehicle automotive component. 5
6 livingstonparish.com
7 basspro.com
8 ctpost.com
For Bass Pro Shop: ~ 80,000 square feet for retail 1 vehicle displayed per 5,000 square feet = 16 vehicles One inventory lot meeting block standards for parking for developments greater than100 acres 9
1. Convene as the Land Development Regulation Commission and find the proposed amendments consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan as provided in the staff report. 2. Adopt the ordinance amending the Unified Land Development Code. 10