1 Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital Tel: (+855) / Website: Present by: Te Serey Bonn, MPH,BBA,MA Program Director Carias Takao Eye Hospital
2 Siem Reab Bat Dambang Otdar Mean Chey Kapo Kandal Pousat Kracheh Takeo Kaoh Kong Siem Reab Phnom Penh Say Rieng Krng Kaeb Bat Dambang i Prey Veaeng Kampong Cham Kampong Thum Preah Vihear Rotanak Kiri Krong Pailin Kampong Spueu Stueng Traeng Kampong Chhnang Otdar Mean Chey Banteay Mean Chey Krong Preah Sihanouk Takeo Eye Hospital Miles N EW S General aspects of Cambodia Ratanakiri -Land area: 181,035 Km 2 -Population is 14 million. -Population density: 75 pp/Km2 - 85% of the population live in the rural area % of Cambodian population living below national poverty line. -The disabled persons is 1.44% of the country’s population in Cambodia. Thailand Viet Nam Laos
General aspects of Takeo Province 3 -Land area is 3,563 Km2 -Takeo divided in 10 districts -Total population: 843,931 -Annual Growth rate in urban is 0.53% and 0.66% in rural. -Density population 237pp/Km2 (Cambodia 75pp/Km2) -Average household-size is 5 persons -85% of population are famer. Age distribution: year old : 39.5% year old :55.7% -Older than 50 years: 13.6%
Prevalence of Blindness In Cambodia Prevalence of blindness* (Best-corrected visual acuity < 3/60 in the better eye) In people aged 50+: is 2.8% (CI 95%: %), The prevalence in males (2.0%) is significantly lower than in females (3.4%) In the total population can be estimated at 0.38% Cataract Surgical Coverage is 34% of all blind eyes due to cataract and 55% of all persons bilaterally blind due to cataract 4 *Summary of results of the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in Cambodia 2007 by Hans Limburg
Human resources Total Staff : 50 regular staff (27M, 23F), 3 resident doctors + 8 DON students 2 Master Public Health 2 Ophthalmologists 1 MD 1Residency student of Ophthalmologist (year 3) 16 Ophthalmic Nurses (4 refractionists) 2 secondary nurses 5 Orderly Staffs 2 Optical Technicians 2 Field workers 4 Admin Staffs 3 Finance and accountant staffs 6 Cleaners (2 part time staffs) 2 Technicians (1 maintenance & 1 I.T) 3 Guards 1 Driver 20 Government staffs 7
Statistic of CTEH from 1979 to Oct,2015 8
10 Out-patient Department
Comparison patient received OPD services at CTEH 11
Operating Theatre 12
Comparison of patients operation at CTEH 13
Refraction & Low Vision Services 15
Comparison 9 months of Optical Shop 8% Increase4% Increase I6% Increase Women & Girl 59% 58% 51%
17 Child Protection
Inclusive Disability & Gender 19
Community Ophthalmology
Output of Community Ophthalmology 22
Training Program 1.Ophthalmic Nurse Training BEN 5 batches of training since 1997 to 2005 with 47 BENs (F:10).(9months) DON 8 batches since 2006 until to the present 59 DONs (F:24) graduated and 8 students are on going (1year) will finish on August, 2016.
24 BED 6 batches of training since 1997 to 2005 with 18 doctors (F:1) were graduated.(18 months curriculum at Takeo Eye Hospital) Residency Training started from 2007 to 2015, 9 batches with 18 residents (F:3) are on going, 22 (F:5) were completed 9 (F:0) upgrading & 13 (F:5) graduated MD (4 years curriculum.) 2. Residency program of Ophthalmology training:
3. Short Course training Basic Low Vision training Local Anesthesia training Refraction training 25
4. Primary Eye Care Training 26
Partners Tissue Vision (Subsidy Cataract & Pterygum surgery) Wilde Ganzen Netherland: Training, Subsidy poor patient who need eye care services and community outreach activities. GIZ through Action for health (Voucher project) subsidy Cataract surgery for people age 50+ from Kampot, Kampong Spoeu, Kep, Kampong Thom, Svay Reang, and Prey Veng. Caritas Czech Republic: Capacity building and Community outreach Activities. 27
28 Thanks for your attention!