عمل ميداني المرحلة الثانية مقرر عام العمل الميداني: أ.د/ مصلح عبد الرحمن استاذ طب الاسرة مقرر السنة الثالثة ط/ هبه عباس مدرس مساعد طب الاسرة مقرر السنة الثانية ط/ ألماس فتحي مدرس مساعد طب الاسرة
General Objectives of field activities in phase II Obtain medical history and perform clinical examination and simple laboratory investigations for both healthy individuals and patients attending primary health care units. Obtain medical history and perform clinical examination and simple laboratory investigations for both healthy individuals and patients attending primary health care units. Interpret problem oriented medical records and the family file. Interpret problem oriented medical records and the family file. Use available health care resources to render preventive and curative services to individuals as well as to serve the community. Use available health care resources to render preventive and curative services to individuals as well as to serve the community.
Describe and report the community geographical, environmental and life style characteristics as well as those of individuals and families concerning numbers, age, sex, family structure and population distribution. Describe and report the community geographical, environmental and life style characteristics as well as those of individuals and families concerning numbers, age, sex, family structure and population distribution. Determine community health problems using scientific research methods. Determine community health problems using scientific research methods.
More specifically, the students are expected to cover the following objectives during phase II To perform general and local clinical examination on patients To perform general and local clinical examination on patients To perform measurements for children visiting the PHC unit To perform measurements for children visiting the PHC unit To discuss age specific screening tests for infants and children To discuss age specific screening tests for infants and children To describe common laboratory investigations used in the primary health care setting (urine, stool, hemoglobin, blood glucose) To describe common laboratory investigations used in the primary health care setting (urine, stool, hemoglobin, blood glucose) To list drugs available in the essential drug list in a primary health care unit To list drugs available in the essential drug list in a primary health care unit
To identify basic contents of medical records used in a primary health care unit (genogram, progress notes, antenatal care, well child, chronic diseases follow up) To identify basic contents of medical records used in a primary health care unit (genogram, progress notes, antenatal care, well child, chronic diseases follow up) To use genogram as a method of family assessment To use genogram as a method of family assessment To appropriately report family visits To appropriately report family visits To plan health education programs for different groups (school children, mothers, pregnant women, adults with chronic diseases ) To plan health education programs for different groups (school children, mothers, pregnant women, adults with chronic diseases )
To identify basic principles of health education for individuals To identify basic principles of health education for individuals To utilize Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses module to diagnose serious illnesses of children (pneumonia, diarrhea, Otitis Media and ARI) To utilize Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses module to diagnose serious illnesses of children (pneumonia, diarrhea, Otitis Media and ARI) To describe the healthy school environment To describe the healthy school environment To perform screening for school children (vision, hearing, screening for learning disabilities) To perform screening for school children (vision, hearing, screening for learning disabilities) To design nutritional programs for different age groups (school children, pregnant women, geriatrics) To design nutritional programs for different age groups (school children, pregnant women, geriatrics)
To use medical records at the primary care level in determining risk factors for the patient and family. To use medical records at the primary care level in determining risk factors for the patient and family. To list the components of modern antenatal care program. To list the components of modern antenatal care program. To perform timely community diagnosis. To perform timely community diagnosis. To obtain history from patients and families using one of the consultation models. To obtain history from patients and families using one of the consultation models. To interpret data withdrawn through family visits. To interpret data withdrawn through family visits. To interpret centile charts for children To interpret centile charts for children
Sites of training Family Practice centers affiliated to the faculty of medicine and primary health care units of the Ministry of Health and Population, under the supervision of the field tutor Family Practice centers affiliated to the faculty of medicine and primary health care units of the Ministry of Health and Population, under the supervision of the field tutor Schools within the catchment area of primary care centers Schools within the catchment area of primary care centers Family visits to families in the catchment area of the primary care centers Family visits to families in the catchment area of the primary care centers Other supplementary sites for training like: Other supplementary sites for training like: Skill lab for basic clinical skills training Skill lab for basic clinical skills training Weekly activities by the faculty staff that cover most of the theoretical subjects. Weekly activities by the faculty staff that cover most of the theoretical subjects. The whole community for application projects and group research. The whole community for application projects and group research.
Methods of Instruction Self-learning Self-learning Clinical setting teaching Clinical setting teaching Small group discussions, microteaching and tutorials Small group discussions, microteaching and tutorials Role play Role play Other auxiliary teaching methods such as: Other auxiliary teaching methods such as: Behavioral modeling Behavioral modeling Problem solving (Evidence Based case Studies) Problem solving (Evidence Based case Studies) Seminars Seminars E-learning E-learning
المجموعات التعليمية للسنة الثانية نصف العام الدراسي الأول نصف العام الدراسي الثاني المجموعه التعليميه المدة المدة المجموعة التحضيرية 5 أسابيع الوقاية الأولية و الثانوية 5 أسابيع صحة الطفل 5 أسابيع رعاية أطفال المدارس و المراهقين 4 أسابيع رعاية المسنين 2 أسبوع
المجموعات التعليمية للسنة الثالثة رعاية الطفل : 4 أسابيع رعاية الطفل : 4 أسابيع الأمراض المزمنة : 3 أسابيع الأمراض المزمنة : 3 أسابيع صحة المرأة : 5 أسابيع صحة المرأة : 5 أسابيع
محتويات محفظة الأنشطة Log book
التقييم التقييم يوجد نوعان من التقييم لأنشطة العمل الميداني خلال العام: 1. تقييم تجميعي (summative) و يتم بمعدل مرة واحدة في اخر كل فصل دراسي من خلال معلم العمل الميداني و يحصل الطالب فيه على درجات و هو يهدف الى تقييم مهارات الطلاب في التواصل و الحصول على معلومات من فئات عمرية مختلفة
(formative)2. تقويم بنائى و يتم في اخر كل مجموعه دراسية من خلال معلم العمل الميداني و يحصل الطالب فيه على تغذية مرتجعه عن أدائه أثناء أنشطة المجموعة التعليمية من خلال ملاحظات المعلم و محتويات كتيب الأنشطة
ملحوظة هـامة :- ملحوظة هـامة :- في حـالة حـدوث أيـة مشكلة إدارية تحول دون القيام بالمهام والأنشطة الموضحة يرجى من معلم الحقل أو سكرتير المجموعة سرعة إبلاغ منسق السنة الدراسية أو مقرر العمل الميداني ولو حتى تليفونيا لسرعة حل المشكلة
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