New UK Outreach activities Peter Watkins Many thanks to colleagues from Particle Physics community and STFC for their input
UK Science and Discovery Centres
THE STFC-SCIENCE CENTRE PARTNERSHIP Explore your Universe: From Atoms to Astrophysics A two year £460k partnership project to display STFC science and technologies at Science Centres Aims at strengthening links between Outreach by STFC and its user community with related work in Science Centres Will develop hands on resources (kits) to be hosted in science and discovery centres eg. Cloud Chambers
March 2012
Displays from STFC and Birmingham, Warwick, IOP visitors in 3 days
events/2012/big-bang-fair/ Cristina Lazzeroni Birmingham Also used at many other science festivals and exhibitions
UK masterclass roadshow - Belfast 13 January 2012 Based at Queens University Belfast 74 students + 14 teachers 2 visiting speakers Alan Barr (Oxford) Pete Edwards (Durham) Combination of lectures + CMS and ATLAS data exercises Very positive feedback from schools Combined with public lecture by Tara Shears & reception for invited guests – audience of over 200, including members of NI assembly and other public figures Bruce Kennedy
UK Masterclass roadshow - plans Current plans for : Repeat Belfast event in 2013 – favourable response from QUB already QUB masterclass for teachers only, June 2012 Event in south-west of England – currently in negotiation with Plymouth University Event in northern Scotland – looking at Aberdeen or Inverness
RAL Masterclasses GROWTH day114 students10 schools days245 students19 schools days500 students30 schools days700 students42 schools. Largest Particle Physics Masterclasses in UK. CATCHMENT AREA Extends over much of southern England BIG SCIENCE ATTRACTORS Diamond Light Source ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source
Cosmic Ray Centenary Plans Consortium led by Paula Chadwick (Durham) will have stand at Royal Society Summer Exhibition in July Activity for schools by David Cussans (Bristol) with finale and display at Bristol Balloon festival Cosmic Rays for Schools – Becky Parker (LangtonCentre) Lucid Project MediPix chip on ESA’s TechDemoSat-1 end 2012 MediPix chips at six Universities for schools use
Chris Boddy Alan Barr Oxford
Funded by STFC Outreach award
Teachers meeting – Birmingham Feb 2012 Workshop run by John Moores Liverpool, Glamorgan, Birmingham Introduce teachers to resources for teaching of Astronomy and Particle Physics Astronomy and Particle Physics
Many public talks
2000 people Quantum Universe
LEGO Physics Teach various aspects of physics using LEGO Hands on workshops and classroom kits –A-Level (16-18) Particle Physics –GCSE (14-16) Radioactivity –General (4 – 84) History of the Universe Science festivals, school classrooms, public open events and special interest groups. Ben Still QMUL
LEGO Physics
The best crash course in Science Communication Entirely web based. Students aged Live chats and forum questions 5 scientists battle head to head Up to 2 weeks of 3-4 hours a day Week two knockout round, student vote £500 prize to the winner for Sci Comm Ben Still QMUL --- winner in 2012
ATLAS virtual visit – Birmingham Masterclass March 28
Summary Only time for a few examples in this talk There are many other ongoing outreach activities in all UK groups More effort to appeal to younger audience Many more science festivals and exhibitions in UK