 From Dehradun to Pyeongchang via Chennai Hem Pende Maria Schultz Didier Babin Towards Guidance for the Integration of Biodiversity and Poverty Eradication.


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Presentation transcript:

 From Dehradun to Pyeongchang via Chennai Hem Pende Maria Schultz Didier Babin Towards Guidance for the Integration of Biodiversity and Poverty Eradication

Process of the Expert Group on Biodiversity for poverty eradication and development  Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 “By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes (...)”  COP 10 Decision 6. Integration of biodiversity into poverty eradication and development (ToRs)  Nagoya Declaration on Biodiversity in Development Cooperation  2 meetings in India (Dehradun Dec. 2011; Chennai Dec. 2013)  Report to WGRIs (4 and 5) for consideration by COPs  COP 11 Decisions 22.Biodiversity for poverty eradication and development (to continue the work)  COP 12 Decision (... Friday 17 October )


 Dehradun “recommendations”  Root Causes of, and Interlinkages between, Biodiversity Loss and Poverty  Scaling Up Good Practices and Lessons to Mainstream Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services with Poverty Eradication and Development Processes  Capacity development framework  Guidance and priorities on mainstreaming for all relevant actors involved in development processes Dehradun outputs UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/4/5UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/4/INF/11 Recommendation 4/4


Chennai outputs  New version of the Dehradun Recommendation titled “Dehradun/Chennai Recommendations”;  The Guidance for Implementation of the Integration of Biodiversity and Poverty Eradication intended to support the Dehradun/Chennai Recommendations and that could also be used towards the formulation of a road ;  The Set of Additional Guidance and Recommendations developed in line with paragraph 4 (c) – (j) of the annex to decision XI/22;  A summary of the best practices presentation;  The revised capacity development framework for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into poverty eradication and development prepared during the first meeting; UNEP/CBD/WGRI/5/6 UNEP/CBD/WGRI/5/INF/11 Recommendation 5/8

WGRI 5  Dehradun/Chennai Recommendations and the Guidance for Implementation of the Integration of Biodiversity and Poverty Eradication, developed by the Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development have been transformed:  A Set of proposed decisions  Chennai guidance for the integration of biodiversity and poverty eradication UNEP/CBD/COP/12/1/ADD2/REV1

Proposed Decision for COP 12  Integrate biodiversity into poverty eradication and development strategies, initiatives and processes at all levels; and vice versa  Develop approaches to build resilience  Recognize and take into account the diverse and holistic, intrinsic values of biodiversity (spiritual and cultural values, non-market-based, market-based and rights-based approaches)  Empower indigenous and local communities, the poor, marginalized and vulnerable, who depend directly on biodiversity  Support ICCA and community-based management, customary sustainable use and community governance of biodiversity  identify best practices and lessons learned  to take steps to identify and overcome barriers to the implementation

Chennai Guidance  Integration of biodiversity and poverty eradication for sustainable development  Identify linkages, promote the integration, indicators, SDGs  Minimizing adverse impacts, and facilitating participation  Plans, promotion of consultations, safeguard masures, mechanism of redress  Capacity ‑ building, enabling environment and funding support  Enhancing capacity ‑ building, Strengthening the enabling environment, Providing adequate funding

COP12 Momentum  COP 12 dedicated to Biodiversity for Sustainable Development  Strong and ambitious proposed decisions from WGRI 5 and WG1 –CRP 3  COP 12 decisions n° ?? and the Chennai Guidance  Assessments of Barriers for implementation of Decisions of the Convention Related to Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development (UNEP/CBD/COP/12/INF/16)  Post-2015 UN Development agenda and SDGs  High Level Segment Dialogues 1 & 2

Still some weaknesses  No permanent CBD staff dedicated for Poverty Eradication or Aichi Target 2  No core budget  No more expert meeting For more information :