Target A: Bring the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day to zero, and reduce to zero the share of people living below their country's 2015 national poverty line Indicator: Proportion of families below the poverty line
Target B: Increase by x% the share of women and men, communities, and businesses with secure rights to land, property and other assets Indicator: – Proportion of indigenous peoples (IPs) with access to ancestral lands (individual) and domains (community) Refer to the IPRA and adopt their targets – Proportion of the population who are informal settlers – Proportion of the population farmers who are tenants Recommendations: – Collect baseline information (IPs, ISFs, farmers, fisherfolk, population in conflict areas and vulnerable communities, among others) on ownership, access and utilization of properties – Review laws that may hinder PWDs and women from acquiring properties
Target C: Cover 100% of people who are poor, vulnerable with social protection systems (i.e., social safety nets, social insurance, social security and labor market interventions) Indicators: – Proportion of poor and vulnerable population covered by health insurance – Proportion of the working population covered by the social security system – Proportion of PWDs with access to affordable assistive devices, technologies and disability-related services (e.g., sign language interpreter, personal assistance) Recommendation: – Define “vulnerable groups”
Target D: Build resilience and reduce deaths from natural disasters by 100% Indicators: – Total number of casualties caused by natural disasters – Total number of population affected by natural disasters – Total costs of damages Recommendation: – Collect necessary data – Progressive mapping of exposure to disasters
General Recommendation Disaggregate all indicators by social groups, sex, region, province, age, among others For PWDs, there might be a need to consider a higher poverty threshold given their added disability-related expenses
Thank you!