Visions October 4, th Sunday in Ordinary Times Theme: Christian Live in communities
Cover Circle your answer Count up how many A, B or C answers you have Are you an A, B, or C,
Gospel P. 4 Mark 10: 2-16 Narrator, Pharisee 1, Jesus, Pharisee 2 Genesis 1:27 “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female * he created them.” * Genesis 2:24That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
“What is Best About Having a Family?” p.2 What do you like best about being in a family? Read together Families as a mini-churches Church see the bonds among family members as the foundation of the church and of society
“ How Do Kids Feel when Parents Divorce?” p Read pages 3-4 for homework and answer the TALK questions on page 3
Jesus Values Marriage p. 5 (Tuesday 10/6 4 th period begin) Read in groups: – list what you learned about marriage (6 th period finish for homework 10/5) – Why does the Church call marriage a sacrament of service Sacrament – An action that is a sign of a spiritual reality; a sign of Jesus’ love and the making present of his loving, healing, and forgiving action. Jesus instituted the sacrament to give us a share in God’s life
What the Church Believes and Teaches p. 26 Matrimony – Covenantagreementintimate union Family as a domestic church – where members form a community of grace and prayer, as school of human virtue and Christian charity – where we first learn to love, care, and pray together Sacrament of Service: Matrimony and Holy Orders Annulment declares that the sacrament of marriage never existed because they were not free to say yes Doctrine page 8 – read together (6 th period needs to read 10/74 th period done