Animal Testing Eating meat Wearing leather Hunting for leisure Keeping pets in cities Battery chicken farming Circus training Fur industry Which of the following go against our responsibility to be God’s good stewards ? Can you add any more to the list ?
To identify ways in which we are similar to/ different from animals To reflect on what our relationship with animals is like To evaluate what our responsibilities are towards animals 1. Contrast the following quotes about the creation of humans and animals Gen 1:27 versus Gen 1:20-25 Gen 2:7 versus Gen 2:19 What similarities/ differences are there ? 2. Why do you think Gen 2:20 suggests that animals were not “suitable helpers” for man ? How is our relationship with them inadequate ?
Religion and Animals In what ways are we similar to animals? In what ways are we different? Overall, how close do you think we are to animals? Do you think that humans are more important than animals? What is more serious: the death of one human or the death of a hundred dogs? Do animals have a soul? What happens to animals when they die? Is there an animal heaven? Are you animal rights or human rights? Quiz your partner.
If God gave humans rule over creation, does that mean Humans can decide how to treat animals any way they like?
Humans are given life by “the breath of God” Humans are made “in God’s image” Humans are to “rule over” all creatures (Gen 1:26) Animals are simply God’s creation, out of earth. Does that mean that humans can treat animals in any way they please ? A. God himself has a relationship with all creation Job 12:7-10 Genesis 9:12-13 Psalms 104:25, 27 B. God himself protects different species and blesses them Genesis 1:22 Genesis 6:19-2 C. Everything belongs to God: we only have it on loan Colossians 1:16-17 Lev. 25: Choose one quote from each section A, B and C. Write out the reference and explain what it is saying.
If God gave humans rule over creation, does that mean Humans can decide how to treat animals any way they like? Give reasons against Use evidence from the bible Give reasons against Use evidence Evaluate: your own opinion