Finding a New World Chapter 1
Discovering a New Continent __________________sailed the ocean blue in His three ships were the ________, the ________, and the ____________________. Columbus discovered an island in the _____________ in South America (much debate over which island he actually discovered). He believed he had reached the Far East of the _________________. He named the natives there ___________________.
The New World Before Columbus The first Americans were the Indians. They were NOT a unified group, but were divided into hundreds of __________or ___________ each with their own ___________, ___________, _______ or ________. Some Indians were _____________. They constantly moved hunting for fish, game, and wild plants. Other Indians settled and __________ the land. The three groups of Indians that built large civilizations were the ______________, the ___________, and the _________________.
The Mayan Civilization Located on the _______________Peninsula of Mexico and in Guatemala, the Mayans flourished around A.D They were great________________. They developed a system of ____________and ____________, unlike other groups of Indians. They studied the ________ and the ________.
The Aztecs They were fierce ____________. They built their civilization in ___________. The capital city Tenochtitlan was a beautiful city with large plazas, pyramid temples, and adobe houses. Over ____________people lived in the city upon the arrival of the first Europeans.
The Incas They built their city in the mountainous region of____________. Their ruler, called the ________, was worshiped as a god. Like the other two groups, they also were excellent builders. They also produced fine_____________, ____________, and _____________.
White Men Before Columbus No one knows for sure who the first European group to discover the Americas, but a few theories exist, for example: ______________sailed over before the birth of Christ. A ______________ during the Middle Ages settled among the Indians. (Blue eyed Indians) _______________ monks visited America over a thousand years ago.
What does the Evidence Suggest? ___________came to America around A.D ____________ founded America and called it “Vinland.” Although the Vikings came to America during this time, the rest of Europe was completely unaware of it’s existence.
Columbus’s Contribution Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas with the support of ___________and ______________of Spain. Columbus refused to believe he had discovered a new world, but insisted that he had sailed to the Orient in the far east. ________________was the first to suggest that these new lands were not the East. ________________was honored with his findings by have the New World named after him, America.
Claiming a New World Spanish Conquests _________________: Crossed the Isthmus of Panama. _________________: Circumnavigated the earth for the first time. _________________: Spanish conquerors ______________: Conquered the mighty Aztecs. ___________________: Conquered the Inca empire in Peru.
Territorial Conflict between Portugal and Spain. Both Spain and Portugal were making discoveries in the New World and conflict was bound to happen. Both nations were ________________therefore, the church settled the disputes. _________________divided the world in half. Portugal could explore anything east of the line and Spain West.
English Rivalry Tension between Spain and England rose during the 1500s. ____________: a group of bold and daring English sea captains who attacked the Spanish ships. _________________: one of the most famous Sea Dogs and the favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. He was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the earth.
Reasons Spain didn’t like the English England was______________; Spain was Roman Catholic. England _________________their ships and stole their gold and silver. The English defeated the “__________________” in Making England the “Mistress of the Seas”. Effect: Gave a Protestant Nation the opportunity to settle what would become the United States.
French Activity Focused on North America ________________: found the St. Lawrence River. ________________: claimed the Mississippi River. They called the land_______________.
Reasons the French colonies did not grow significantly in Population. __________ of quick riches or prosperous farms limited the number of settlers interested in making the trip. The _________ control by the French government and the lack of self-rule in the colonies discouraged colonization. The French also limited colonization to Catholics, making it impossible for skilled ____________to settle in the New World.
Huguenots ______________________who were forced to flee France because of religious persecution.
English Come to Stay English began to explore the eastern coast what is now the___________________. John Cabot: claimed the __________________ in 1497 & 1498.
The Lost Colony Sir Walter Raleigh: attempted to colonize Roanoke Island, but failed. Virginia Dare was the first English baby born in the New World. The settlers were most likely taken captive by Croatoan Indians.
Jamestown The first _________________, English colony. Named after their king at the time James I. Led by________________.
The first Representative Government ______________________: the first representative government in America.