ST Math Small Group Ideas
Warm-Up…JiJi Style WHO: Small groups of 3-5 students WHAT: Engaged math lesson warm-up using ST Math Test Drive WHEN: During the first 5-10 minutes of a math lesson WHY: This small group warm-up allows for student to work in groups on ST Math puzzles and get practice and support from their classmates. This small group time helps students address misunderstandings prior to working on ST Math puzzles individually.
Let’s Play… Login Test Drive 6 th Grade Mean, Median, Mode, Range Open Access Mean Height Level 1 LOGIN Select MEAN,MEDIAN... Select TEST DRIVE(6 th )
Play the Gray Click MEAN HEIGHT Click Level 1
Math, Mats, and Manipulatives Using Game Mats during Math stations… WHO: Small groups of 2-6 students WHAT: Activities using ST Math Game Mats WHEN: During math station rotations WHY: Although students aren’t on the computer, using the game mats in stations is a great way to have students connect their ST Math puzzles to the skills in class.
Select: Teacher Resource Site Select: Classroom Connections Select: Game Mats
Data Dash WHO: Students and Teachers WHAT: Individually tracking ST Math data WHY: This holds students accountable for their own progress and
School/Class Data Tracking