Progress report from VTF Validation Phase 2 and Next Steps DTP-12, 16th January 2013, Geneva
Summary 2 Validation Phase 2 1.What has been accomplished so far 2.What is needed to complete it Next Step: Confirmation test (?)
Background (1) At the DTP-9 meeting, held on March 2012 in Ispra, Validation 1.b was declared complete for ICE vehicles and it was agreed to start Validation Phase 2 (VP2) Initial timetable: April – September 2012 Subgroup EV/HEV needed more time to complete its part of the Info Package (Test Matrix + Test procedure), thus VP2 for EV/HEV was planned to start from 2 nd half of May In April 2012 India started a Validation Phase 1 on LPV, on the basis of the freshly released driving cycles for Class 1 and Class 2 vehicle. 3
Background (2) At the DTP-10 meeting, held in June 2012 in Geneva, a revised timetable of the VP2 was proposed and agreed Revised timetable: April – December 2012 The revised VP2 plan included also Validation 3 (Road Load Determination) 4
Background (3) At the DTP-11 meeting, held on September 2012 in Ispra, a further extension of VP2 was agreed (end of VP2 by week 3 of 2013). The experimental phase of VP2 and the delivery of the final version of the VP2 database have been accomplished according to this new plan (final version of VP2 database available from 3 rd December 2012). However it was pointed out by the DTP subgroups that the time allocated to the assessment of the VP2 test results and closure of the open issues was not sufficient. At the DTP audio-web conference held on 14 December 2012, it was agreed to postpone the conclusion of VP2 to the second half of March 2013 (DTP-13 in Tokyo) and to start Confirmation phase / Round Robin on April
Update Validation Phase 2 The VP2 database (H. Steven) The assessment of the VP2 test results and procedure to close the Open Issues of all DTP Subgroups (and RLD/DHC/MCTF) 6
Next Steps The VTF has been requested also to prepare and coordinate the Confirmation Phase On Tuesday 15 th January a VTF meeting has been held to discuss the matter. Outcome of the meeting is: 8
Next Steps At the moment, not only there are insufficient elements to prepare a Confirmation phase, but there is not yet a clear evidence that a Confirmation is needed. Based on the outcome of the assessment phase of Validation 2 (closure of Open Issues, foreseen by DTP-13 in Tokyo) we see 3 (4) possible scenarios. 9
Next Steps (scenarios) 1.All open issues solved, except some of them that have not been fully covered in VP2 (ex. mode construction for EV). This would require a Confirmation phase. 2.All open issues solved, except some open issues that are vehicle specific (ex. vehicle top speed margin vs. cycle top speed and impact on CO2 emissions). This would require a new Validation phase. 3.A combination of situation 1 and 2. This would bring to some labs performing a Confirmation phase and some others carrying out a new validation phase. 4.All open issues solved (or just slightly different from VP2 parameter setting), no need to either confirm or validate, then it would be possible to run the Round Robin test directly. 10
Next Steps Whatever the outcome of the assessment phase of Validation 2, there are some decisions and preparatory steps that can be taken between now and April 2013: Find a few labs willing to participate Book a preliminary “working period” (mid April to end of May 2013) to be dedicated to the post-VP2 phase Define the combination of lab/vehicle/test and organize the procurement of the proper vehicle. As the closure of the Open Issues progresses, the VTF will follow its development and organize the planning of the post-VP2 phase accordingly. 11