Urban Planning What are the primary spatial considerations and concerns in city planning?
Cities Struggle to Find Space qwtPobk qwtPobk MnlSBI MnlSBI r8i26g r8i26g
Urban Planning Your Goal is to design a Central Business District (services, office towers, low density housing, high density housing, and open space). Your structures must be uniform in size (use the reference guide) All structures must be connected by roads to the main highway in some way (you may include pedestrian only areas) Once built, you cannot tear it down You are required to add more structures in subsequent steps (follow each step)
Draw a highway ¼” wide 6” from bottom 5” from the right After you draw your highway, add one open space (green space) that makes up no more than ¼ of the page. (Scale: 4”=1/2mi.)
Urban Planning #1: ◦ Create a Central Business District 30 shopping centers - 15 consumer, 15 hospitality services ◦ Four Office Buildings – Business Services ◦ Two housing developments of 10 single homes each ◦ Three apartments ◦ One Sewage Plant – public service
Urban Planning #2: – One Manufacturing – One Religious structure – One School (education service) – 5 shopping centers (consumer services) – 2 parking structures (same size as shopping) #3: – Two Office Buildings – 1 parking structure – 2 Manufacturing
Urban Planning #4: – 10 Houses(one housing development) – Two Apartments – One police & Fire Station – One Open space (green space) #5: – One School – One Hospital – One Religious Structure – 20 Houses – Three Apartments – #6: – Utilities plant (same size as manufacturing) – 5 Shopping Centers – 6 Office Buildings
Urban Planning #7: – 40 Houses(one housing development) – Two Apartments – One police & Fire Station – 4 Office Buildings
Look at your drawing and evaluate the remaining space. As an urban planner, what will you do with any available space? Create a key for the space designation.
Urban Planning totals Houses: 30 Apartments: 8 Sewage: 1 Central Business District: 30 Structures Religious structures: 2 Schools: 1 Green Space:2 Offices: 12 Police/fire: 1 Hospital: 1