What do you want to be when you grow up? an air attendanta pop star a model a dentist an architect an athlete more occupations
Questions we can ask: 1.Whatdoyouwant to be when you grow up? Iwant tobe an artist. a pop star. I am am not going to be someone who works in an laboratory. works in an office.
Questions we can ask: 2.Wherewillyouwork? I will work indoor. outdoor. on a bus. a plane. in a hospital. a fire station. a office. a school.
Questions we can ask: 3.Whydoyouwant to be a/ an? BecauseI want to meet different people. travel to different places. help people. think up new ideas.
Questions we can ask: 4.Whatwillyoudo? I will make a lot of money. save people’s lives. teach a lot of students. design exciting games. wear beautiful clothes.
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