DCEOILLINOIS ENERGY NOW PUBLIC SECTOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AGGREGATION PROGRAM Metropolitan Mayors Caucus 360 Energy Group Providing outreach, assistance and pass-through funding to public agencies in Com Ed, Nicor, North Shore and People’s Gas service areas
Illinois Energy Now- Public Sector Energy Efficiency Aggregation Program Who We Are Metropolitan Mayors Caucus - Project Administrator Organization of 280 northeastern Illinois mayors. ‘Aggregates’ local projects for DCEO Illinois Energy Now (IEN). Encourages public retrofits through outreach & demonstration Awards ‘sub-grants’ of IEN funds to public agencies. 360 Energy Group - Energy Efficiency Experts Experienced energy efficiency consulting group. Provides technical assistance to public sector customers. Project design assistance and audits through SEDAC Manages compliance and verification of energy savings. Leverages Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation funding when possible
Illinois Energy Now -Partnerships Work through professional associations i.e. American Public Works Association, Illinois Parks and Recreation Association Environment Committee Facilities Committee Councils of Governments i.e., Northwest Municipal Conference Public Works Committees
Public Agencies Served
Through Illinois Energy Now Program Year Highlights $2,571, incentives paid $215, additional investment leveraged from ICECF $3,883, additional investment leveraged from public agencies 67 public agencies in 57 communities served
Village of Oak Lawn Case Study Outdoor and Indoor Lighting Projects New fixtures and retrofits fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts Sewer Maintenance Facility, Maintenance Building, Lift Station, 95 th Street Building, Street Lighting, Fire Station, Municipal Building Hosted two Energy Efficiency Workshops Installation Seminar best practice sharing. Village of Oak Lawn Comprehensive Project Data Project Costs$1,677,314 Total Incentives Received $793,825 Annual Savings $252,623 Simple Pay Back 3.50 years Annual kWh Savings 2,358,337 Annual Therm Savings 25,890
Help achieve sustainability goals Greenest region compact Pledge of environmental action Adopted by 96 municipalities Under revision now Annual Energy Costs Saved $1,344,187 kWh saved 9,991,300 Therms saved 565,474 Pounds CO2 avoided 23,555,255 Average Simple Payback 3.49 years Illinois Energy Now - Environmental Sustainability
Contact Us Edith Makra, Director of Environmental Initiatives Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Michael Stanch, Energy Solutions Manager 360 Energy Group