State and Its Elements Definition According to Salmond “ A society of Men established for maintenance of order and Justice within a determined territory, by way of force”
Elements of State 1- Population 2- Territory 3- Government 4- Sovereignty
Functions of the State Primary Protection Internal and External Internal: By Administration of Justice External: Defense from war and aggression Secondary Welfare of citizen By Legislation By Taxation
Advantages & Disadvantages of Law Advantages 1- Uniformity 2- Honest Decisions 3- Protection from individual error 4- Reliable
Disadvantages 1- Rigid 2- Conservative 3- Formal 4- Complex.
Kinds of Law Administrative law Admiralty law (or maritime law) Admiralty lawmaritime law Advertising law Alternative dispute resolution Aviation law Banking law Business law
Kinds of Law Communications law Computer law Conflict of law (or private international law) Conflict of lawprivate international law Constitutional law Consumer law Contract law Copyright law Corporate law (or company law) Corporate lawcompany law
Kinds of Law Defamation Environmental law Family law Immigration law Insurance law Intellectual property law International law
Kinds of Law Labour law Media law Mergers & acquisitions law Procedural law Substantive Law Product liability litigation Public International Law
Kinds of Law Sports law Statutory law Tax law Tort law Trademark law Civil Law Criminal Law Ordinance
Kinds of Law Physical and Scientific Law Natural or Moral Law Customary Law Equity Law Administrative Law
Substantive & Procedural Law Procedural Law According to Salmond: “That branch of law which governs the process of litigation” Substantive Law It is the subject matter of law.
Difference The difference between substantive law and procedural law is one of form and not of substance. It regulates the conduct and relation of courts and litigants. What fact constitute a wrong is determined by substantive law. What fact constitute proof of a wrong is question of procedural law. The substantive law determines right and the procedural give method to get that right.
Public and Private Law Public Law It regulates the relation of state with its subjects(citizens) Private Law It regulates the relation of subjects(citizens) between themselves.
Difference The simple difference between public and private law is in those that each affects. Public law affects society as a whole, while private law affects individuals, families, business and small groups.
Example Public Law Vs. Private Law If you saw a man run from a store with a few products under his arm, he is violating public law. He committed the crime of theft, and that affects everyone. On the other hand, if your neighbor filed suit against you because your barbeque smoke travels to his yard, you may be violating private law. You infringed on your neighbor's right to the peaceful enjoyment of his property. Essentially, the difference between public law and private law is whether the act or acts affect society as a whole or an issue between two or more people.
Civil & Criminal Law There are two main classifications of law. Criminal laws regulate crimes, or wrongs committed against the government. Civil laws regulate disputes between private parties. Parties In Criminal Cases: State vs. Mr. x In Civil Cases: Mr. A vs. Mr. B ( Plaintive Vs. Defendant)