Agenda Discuss open-ended questions Discuss different question stems and levels Blooms and Costas Watch a clip on gun violence and create questions. END GOAL: Gain familiarity with questioning and be able to start creating your own.
Open-Ended Question No right or wrong answer. You CANNOT answer in just one word. Answer is BASED on the text, but the answer cannot be found in the text. Supposed to create discussion – multiple answers are possible.
Open-Ended Questions Should high schools start later in the morning? Why or why not? Should high schools have police carry military weapons? Explain. What is something Amundsen can do to make sure that their students are not sleep deprived? Explain.
Questioning Types Costa’s Bloom’s
Costa’s Level of Questioning Level 1 Text Explicit Level 2 Text Implicit Level 3 Experience Based
Costa’s Level 1 Defining Observing Describing Naming Identifying Reciting Noting Listing Define irony List the causes. Describe the character. Identify a character trait.
Costa’s Level 2 Analyzing Grouping Synthesizing Comparing Contrasting Inferring Sequencing Compare and contrast the two characters. Analyze the causes of the argument. Infer the feelings of the character.
Costa’s Level 3 Evaluating Judging Applying Speculating Imagining Predicting Imagine you were that character, how would you feel? Predict what will happen to that character.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Bloom’s -Knowledge Arrange Define Describe Duplicate Identify Label List Match State Memorize Name Order Outline Recognize Relate Recall Repeat Select
Bloom’s - Comprehension Classify Convert Defend Describe Discuss Distinguish Explain Infer Paraphrase Predict Rewrite Express Identify Indicate Summarize Review
Bloom’s Application Apply Change Choose Demonstrate Manipulate Modify Predict Relate Practice Predict Discover Sketch Solve Produce
Bloom’s Analysis Analyze Criticize Differentiate Examine Outline Compare Contrast Test Separate Question Point Out Model Illustrate Infer
Bloom’s - Synthesis Arrange Categorize Combine Develop Compose Collect Assemble Plan Explain Generate Rewrite Revise Create Design
Bloom’s- Evaluation Appraise Argue Assess Choose Conclude Defend Estimate Value Support Select Predict Justify Judge
Open-Ended Stems Potential Stems What would you do if______? I wonder if ________? Would you ever ______ Is there a better solution to _____? Do you think ____ is a good or bad idea? Do you believe _____? How would you feel if_______?
Open-ended Stems Can you see a possible solution to ______? What was the problem with ______? What are some of the problems of _____? Why did _____ do ______? Could this have happened in ______? REMEMBER: Explain! Why or why not?
Create your own Questions league-of-exculpatory-gentlemen
Clip Based on the clip, create FIVE open-ended questions.