Heart and Pericardium Prof. Dr. Selda Önderoğlu Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
heart muscular organ Pumps blood to body. Shape:conical Apex is directed downwards
location location: thoracic cavity Middle mediastinum Weight: gr. In the adult
Right and left:mediastinal surfaces of the lungs inferior: Diaphragm Anterior:: Sternum, costal cartilages,remains of thymus gland and partially lungs Posterior:Oesophagus relations
General shape Apex Base 4 surfaces Four borders Apex: directed anterior,inferior and to the left, Base:faces posteriorly and to the right
Apex L ventricle Forward, downward&to the left Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Base L & R atria Faces posteriorly Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Diaphragmatic (inf) surface L ventricle Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Sternocostal (ant) surface R atrium R ventricle L ventricle Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
+ v brachiocephalica
Inf border R ventricle L ventricle
Sup border L atrium, roots of great vessels
Right and left borders Right border, Right atrium. Left border, left ventricle,left auricle.
Surface projections of borders Apex:5th intercostal space 9 cm from midline 2nd left costal cartilage 1 cm from sternum 3rd right costal cartilage 1cm from sternum 6th right costal cartilage 1cm from sternum Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
“ coronary sulcus”, between atria and ventricles. “anterior interventricular sulcus”, between ventricules “posterior interventricular sulcus”, between ventricles External features
R atrium V cava sup&inf Coronary sinus Pectinate mm Sinus venorum (sinus of venae cavae ) Terminal crest Interatrial septum Foramen ovale Fossa ovalis Limbus fossa ovalis Auricle (ant.to crest) Tricuspid valve (bw.R atr.&R vent.) Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
R ventricle Cusps of tricuspid valve/R atrioventricular valve (at sup wall) (ant.+post.+septal) Interventricular septum (septal wall) Membranous part muscular part Atrioventricular part ( bw. R atr&L ventr.) Pro.
R ventricle Trabeculae carnea Papillary mm (ant+post+septal) Septomarginal trabecule (moderator band) Conus arteriosus (infundibulum) Supraventricular crest Opening of pulmonary trunk (has 3 semilunar cusps- R+L+Ant)
L atrium Pulmonary vv openings (4 in number) Valve of foramen ovale During development prevents blood from L atr. to R atr) Auricle Mitral valve/ L atrioventricular valve (Ant+post cusps) Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
L ventricle Cusps of mitral valve/L atrioventricular valve (Ant+post cusps) Papillary mm(ant+post) Chordae tendineae Trabecula carneae Aortic opening Aortic valve ( R+L+post semilunar cusps) (each cusp has lunule,nodule, sinus)
Arteries of heart Right coronary artery ( R marginal br &Post interventricular br) Left coronary artery (Circumflex br+Ant interventricular br) R&L coronary aa- Both Exit from bulbus aorta
Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Veins of heart coronary sinus- receives great,middle,small&post. Cardiac v) Least cardiac vv (venae cordis minimae-Thebasian vv)- directly into chambers Anterior right ventricular vv Right marginal v
Great cardiac v Ant interventricular v L coronary v
Small cardiac v R coronary v
Middle cardiac v Post interventricular v
Innervation of heart Symp Psymp Together They form the cardiac plexus
Sympathetics Sup cervical cardiac n ( from sup. Cerv. Gang.) Middle cervical cardiac n br(from middle cerv.gang.) Inf cervical cardiac n ( from cervicothoracic (stellate)gang. Thoracic cardiac brrs (T 1-4)
Parasympathetics (vagus nerve (CN X) Sup cervical cardiac brr inferior cervical cardiac brr Thoracic cardiac brr ( of vagus n.)
Lymphatics of heart R inf tracheabronchial lymph nodes
Layers of heart Endocardium:innermost layer Myocardium: middle layer, muscular layer,striated,under control of autonomic nervous system Pericardium: outermost layer, like a sac
Myocardium Atrial Ventricular Conducting system Striated-special type Under autonomic nervous system control Atrial muscle fibers: 2 layers (inner-each atrium, outer- two atria together) Ventricular muscle fibers- has complex structure, no distinct layers- vortex
Myocardium Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Skeleton of heart R & L fibrous rings (around mitral&tricuspid valves R & L fibrous trigones Around aortic & pulmonary valves Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü
Conducting system of heart- specialised myocardial fibers SA node at terminal crest AV node, at interaatrial septum AV bundle, pars membranacea R & L bundle branches Purkinje fibers
Pericardium Fibrous pericardium Serous pericardium Parietal layer Visceral layer (epicardium) “pericardial cavity ” “liquor pericardii”
Pericardial sinuses -of the pericardial cavity Oblique sinus Bw.Left atrium- Pulmonary vv Like the letter “j”, inverted Transverse sinus superior v.c.&leftatrium- pulmonary trunk&ascending aorta two ends open
nerves of pericardium Phrenic n –parietal pericardium (afferent) vagus Sympathetic trunk
Aorta ascending aorta Arch of aorta descending aorta