Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Go further Title needs degree sign (°) added from the “Insert/Symbol” menu. This needs to be added at 28pt compared to the 24pt title. IoF North West Conference Charity Trading Understanding the trading framework Catherine Rustomji Head of Charities – DWF LLP 4 November 2015
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Today’s Session What is trading? Types of trading –primary purpose –ancillary –mixed –non-primary purpose Exemptions –lotteries –small scale trading –sale of donated goods Use of Trading Subsidiary 2
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP What is it? Why does it matter? 3 Trading
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP It depends! –Number and frequency of transactions –Nature of goods or services being sold –Goods capable of being used by selling charity –Nature and mechanics of the sales –Presence or absence of a profit motive 4 Regarded as ‘trade’?
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Charitable Trading Contributes directly to one or more of the objects and Trading mainly carried out by beneficiaries of the charity Primary Purpose Trading 5
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Provision of education by fee-charging charitable school Sale of goods made by disabled people who are beneficiaries of a charity for the disabled Provision of residential accommodation by a residential care charity Sale of tickets for a theatrical production staged by a theatre charity Primary Purpose Examples 6
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Exempt from Corporation Tax Only if profits are applied solely for the charity’s purposes Regarded as a business activity for determining liability to VAT Primary Purpose Profits 7
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Contributes indirectly to the successful furtherance of the charity’s objects Treated as part of ‘primary purpose trading’ for both charity law and tax purposes Example:- theatre charity selling food and drink in its bar to members of the audience Ancillary Trading (1) 8
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Level of annual turnover? No specific level Level may have a bearing Use of funds raised is irrelevant Ancillary Trading (2) 9
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Trading comprising primary purpose and non-primary purpose Example: religious charity selling religious books and other books Treat as two separate trades Reasonable apportionment of expenses and receipts Mixed Trades 10
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Commercial Trading Trading intended to raise funds Not linked to furthering the objects Charities may engage in it only where no significant risk involved ‘Significant risk’ – turnover is insufficient to meet the costs of carrying on the trade Difference has to be financed out of the charity’s assets Non-primary Purpose Trading 11
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Size of the charity Nature of the business Expected outgoings Turnover projections Sensitivity of business profitability to the ups and downs of the market ‘Significant’ Risk 12
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Element of judgment –Trustees –Advisers No general exemption from Corporation Tax Use of profits is irrelevant If significant risk – use a trading subsidiary Risk & Non–Primary Purpose Trading 13
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Fundraising events Lotteries Small scale trading Sale of donated goods Key exemptions 14
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Supply of goods or services at or in connection with a wide range of fundraising events – also exempt from tax No restrictions on the nature of the event – e.g. bazaar, dinner dance, auction etc Must be ‘qualifying events’ Fundraising Events 15
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Must have a charitable purpose Must be organised by a charity or a trading subsidiary for the charity’s benefit Trading is not being undertaken through a series of events (e.g. weekly dinner dance) Accommodation for the event is not provided for more than two nights’ duration No more than 15 events of the same kind in the charity’s financial year at any one location by the charity or its trading subsidiary (NB: If more than 15 events, none of the events will qualify for exemption) ‘Qualifying Events’ 16
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Is running a lottery trading? Yes Allowed to run lotteries and profits are exempt from tax Risk is negligible Profits exempt from Corporation Tax, if: –promoted and conducted in accordance with the Act –profits applied only for charity’s purposes Lotteries 17
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Exemption from Corporation Tax Applies only where all relevant profits applied for charity’s purposes Does not apply where profits are exempt on some other basis Small-scale Exemption 18
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Annual turnover limit Reasonable expectation Profits used solely for charity’s purposes Small trading 19
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Total gross income of charity Under £20,000 £20,000 to £200,000 Over £200,000 Max permitted sales turnover £5,000 25% of total gross income £50, Small Trading – Annual Turnover Limit
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Not trading Where sold together with other goods – is trading Must be separately identifiable in charity’s records The connected trading must be considered separately either as: –primary purpose trading; or –non-primary purpose trading Sale of Donated Goods 21
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Charity with aim to enhance skills of disabled people runs a charity shop which sells:- Books, CDs & DVDs donated for sale – not trading Wooden toys made by disabled people – primary purpose trading Bought-in soft toys – non-primary purpose trading Sale of Donated Goods - Example 22
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Company limited by shares Wholly owned company Tax Gift Aid Governance & Funding Trading Subsidiary 23
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Directors Trustees Skills-mix Payment Focus Governance 24
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Start up – no assets, no funding Loan Arms-length Motivation Operating capital Isolating risk Funding 25
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Questions? 26
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Catherine Rustomji Head of Charities
Private & Confidential. Not for distribution. ©DWF LLP Our firm is driven by its core Values which focus on: 28 Values Our ClientsOur PeopleOur CommunityOur Environment