DiDA – Image manipulation Project You will have 2 weeks to complete this project. You will be assessed on the following areas – Audience and purpose – Use of technical features – Use of colour / fonts / images – Quality of final image – Evaluation
DiDA – Image manipulation Your task You are to create a poster to advertise a charity version of X factor. – Audience – teenagers – Purpose – Attract teenagers to take part in the event The image must have a resolution of 2480 x 3508 (portrait) You must include – A main image which takes up the main part of the poster – Date and venue – A name for the event – A slogan / blurb to get people interested
DiDA – Image manipulation Assessment Audience purpose (max 9) Use of technical features (max 9) Use of colour / fonts / images (max 5) Quality of final image (max 5) Evaluation (max 5) Max mark - 33
DiDA – Image manipulation Audience and purpose 3-5 marks – The work has elements which a teenager would find interesting. Some attempt will of been made to make it interesting for both male and female teenagers. All elements are present and the size of the final image is correct 6-9 marks – The work is clearly suitable for the target audience. The use of images and text is persuasive. For top marks the work should get peoples interest immediately. Under 3 marks – Some elements may be missing or the image size is incorrect. (note if the image is brilliant but is the incorrect size then you will get a maximum of 3).
DiDA – Image manipulation Use of technical features 3-5 marks – Some effects have been used but they may detract from the final image rather than enhance it. Or effects used may not of been used correctly (for example obvious errors made in removing background) 6-9 marks – Images will have backgrounds removed so they merge together or some other effect used on images. For top marks you will of used blending / filters and other advanced features. Under 3 marks – The image lacks imagination and is just a collection of images and text. No effects have been used on the image or text. Layers have not been used.
DiDA – Image manipulation Use of colour / font / style 2 – 3 marks– Fonts and colours have been selected and would be interesting for the target audience. However they may clash or not go together marks– Use of colours and fonts will enhance the work. Colours will go together and will highlight key parts of the poster. For top marks there should be a clear colour scheme employed. 1 mark– Fonts / colour are all default values and no effort has been made to try and blend them together. Colours will be white / black only or clash horribly.
DiDA – Image manipulation Quality of final image 2 – 3 marks– Poster makes good use of the available space (not too busy or too empty). Poster may have some visual errors but these are small and do not detract too much from the overall quality. Must contain all elements mark– Poster should be professional. For top marks the poster would be successful if used to promote a charity event. 1 mark– The poster has used poor quality images (will be blocky or blurry). May be missing a key element (like date or venue)
DiDA – Image manipulation Evaluation 2 – 3 marks– Student has highlighted all of the main elements of the poster which were successful. They will also suggest meaningful improvements. The comments may lack detail or be a little vague mark– Student has clearly evaluated the work as a whole. Suggested improvements are specific and detailed. They will use evidence to back up their statements. 1 mark– Evaluations is more of a commentary of what the student did. There are few / no suggested improvements.
DiDA – Image manipulation Grade boundaries A* A – B – 23 – 25 C – D – E – F – U – Under 9 marks
DiDA – Image manipulation Tips for success Read the task carefully and make sure you add all of the elements. Search the internet for ideas. If you see a style you like then try and emulate it. You can make images smaller but you CAN NOT make them bigger without loosing quality. Ask your friends for ideas. Ask your teacher for their opinion! Never stick with the default font! ALWAYS put EVERYTHING on a new layer!