TOSA Content Fundamental II
TOSA AGENDA Content for TOSAs Pink Wednesday Material Planning time
Say the Last Word ● Individually read the article ● Identify a sentence you consider striking or important in each section ● When the group is ready, have one person read the sentence they have chosen aloud ● Other participants respond to the sentence ● The first participant gets the “last word,” with two to three minutes to explain why they chose that sentence
Pink Wednesday PLC Fundamental II: Inclusive Practice
Learning Intentions Overview – Expectations – IS support Working Agreements August 4-6 Reflection – How did you arrive here? This fundamental? – Strengths/Opportunities for improvement Desired outcomes from PLC time at LTL
Professional Learning Community Four Essential Questions for Teacher PLC What do we expect our students to learn? How will we know they are learning? How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond if they already know it? Four Essential Questions for Principal PLC What do we expect our Inclusive Practice to look like? How will we know we are learning? How will we respond to challenges? How will we respond if practices have been established?
Working Agreements Ask questions. Engage fully. Integrate new information. Open your mind to diverse views. Utilize what you learn. How do we hold each other accountable? *Taken from…
Overview – Professional Learning Community structure Data Professional Inquiry Collaborate to learn and share solutions – Facilitated Conversations of Position and Expectation Statements – Aligned with Blue Fridays and Pink Wednesdays
Data What are the reasons? What are the implications? What are we going to do now?
August 4-6 Reflection Groups at Work – Copyright MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved How did you choose this Fundamental? Individual reflection Share at table Whole group share one strength and one opportunity for growth from each table.
Desired Outcomes for LTL PLC Questions Focus (AKA Needs Assessment) – Each expectation on a separate chart – Groups write questions, then rotate to each of the other stations – Last group prioritizes top 3-5 questions – Come back together as whole group
Did we accomplish our Learning Intentions? Overview Working Agreements August 4-6 Reflection Desired outcomes from PLC time at LTL
Closure For next time… – Expectation 1: All instructional staff embrace and demonstrate ownership for All students. – Expectation 5: All staff participate in professional learning to develop crucial cultural competency to enhance understandings and practices with diverse students and families. – Think Culturally Responsive Practice What artifact / data / information do you want to discuss with your colleagues? PLC* - Share your Professional Learning Commitment* with your accountability partner. Session Evaluation
Plan to Deliver Work in your groups to process and plan for Pink Wednesday.