Climate, culture and nature – our responsibility for European future.
What happened in our school September – November 2012
Comenius and Mass Media in Poland
Local webpage:
Local newspaper „Nowiny Wodzisławskie”
Local newspaper „Jesteśmy”
Meeting of Teacher’s Comenius Team.
Comenius newsletter
Student’s Comenius Team.
Trips and actions with our students
Trip with students to Jurapark Park in Krasiejów Students were able to see how the climate and nature looked like in the past (million years ago) and compare it to what we observe today.
Collecting Rubbish Action with our students Eco-lifestyle is cool!!! Living in clean place is great!!! Let’s start from the place of living!!!
Collecting of old plastic lids These old platic lids are collected by our students for charity purposes to help needful people.
Trip with students to Historic Coal Mine "Guido" and Mining residential houses: Giszowiec and Nikiszowiec in Katowice
Elements of that trip share a common history and purpose, namely the creation of a highly industrialized district, providing the entire region a large amount of natural resource, which is coal.
It’s only the beginning.