TECHNICAL WRITING November 2 nd, 2012
Today Instruction style Procedures for Policy
Instructions and Procedures Instructions explain how to perform a task in a step-by-step manner. They vary in length, complexity, and format. i.e., How to install a printer for a computer. Procedures (or policies) describe a set of established rules of conduct to be followed within an organization. i.e., Workplace dress code.
The Five Parts of Instructions 1. Introduction. The introduction provides necessary background information. 2. List of equipment and materials. When a list is required, be sure to make it complete and clear. 3. Steps. The heart of your instructions consists of clearly distinguished steps that readers must follow. 4. Warnings, cautions, and notes. Warnings tell readers that one step, if not prepared or performed properly, can endanger their safety. Cautions tell readers how to avoid mistakes or to take certain precautions. Notes provide useful side information. 5. Conclusion. When a conclusion is required, offer a brief wrap-up and congratulate the reader.
Instructions Style 1. Choose verbs in the present tense and imperative mood. 2. Write clear, short sentences in the active voice. 3. Use precise terms for measurements, distances, and times.
Instructions Style 4. Include connective words as signposts. - i.e., First, then, before 5. Number each step when you present your instructions in a list.
Style Caution: Keep the system away from water. Step 1: You should take out the wires from the package that they are in. - Remove the wires from the package. Step 2: Try to change the red wire’s length a little bit. - Adjust the red wire’s length by 2cm. Step 3: Put the end of the blue wire into speaker A. - Connect the blue wire with speaker A. Step 4: Push in the power button to turn on the speaker to see if it works or doesn’t work. - Press the power button to turn on the speaker. Note: If the speaker does not turn on, check the power cord.
Writing procedures for policies and regulations Procedures: - Found in employee handbooks and other internal corporate communications (i.e., websites, memos).
Example procedures - Accessing a company files or database. - Preparing for an audit, a transition, a merger. - Applying for medical leave. - Reserving a company vehicle. - Requesting travel expense reimbursement. - Requesting a transfer within a company.
Procedures Have a major impact on a company and its workers; - Affect schedules, payrolls, behaviors, etc. - Help the company run smoothly.
Procedures Use the same strategies for writing procedures as for writing instructions: - plan carefully, spell out exactly what is expected, etc.
In memo format. Introduction Tells reader of new policy and states purpose of the memo. States exactly how the company defines the policy. Provides a helpful example. Stresses employee responsibilities and rules.
Carefully outlines what is acceptable according to new policy. Numbered points make policy easier to understand and follow. Stipulates what new policy will not allow in a SEPARATE section. Explains steps to begin the new policy. Encourages feedback and questions.
Assignment Work with a PARTNER. Procedure: A new dress policy for Keimyung University professors. 1 st Draft due Next Wednesday (Nov. 5 th ) subject: procedure draft Final draft due: Monday Nov. 12 th subject: procedure final Check website for details.