Achievement Motivation in Sports Performance Gobinder Singh Gill
Aims and Objectives ALL students will define motivation and it’s associated links to sports performance MOST students will examine the effects of motivation on sports performance SOME students will relate theories to motivation and achievement SOME students will associate motivation in competitive professional practice
Definitions Intrinsic motivation – gaining self-satisfaction and feeling of pride. Extrinsic motivation – receiving some form of reward. Achievement motivation - It is a participants orientation to strive for task success. Competitiveness - a disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons with some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others.
The effects of Motivation on Sports Performance Choice of activity Effort to pursue goals Intensity of effort in the pursuit of goals Persistence in the face of failure and adversity
Theories of Motivation Need achievement theory Attribution theory Achievement goal theory Competence motivation theory
Developing achievement motivation and competitiveness Autonomous competence stage (0 – 4 years) Social comparison stage (5 – onwards) Integrated stage (continuous) The importance of distinguishing between stages Influencing stages of achievement motivation
Using achievement motivation in professional practice Recognise interactional factors Emphasise task goals Monitor and alter attributional feedback Assess and correct inappropriate attributions Determine when competitive goals are appropriate Enhance feelings of competence and control