Annotation techniques for Query-By-Concept Approach in Image Retrieval System Rakesh Kamatham Venkata
Introduction Need for Image Retreival System Different Approaches Query-by-Example(QBE) Query-by-Concept(QBC)
Techniques for QBC Monotonic Tree ASIA: Automated Sampling-Image Annotation
Monotonic Approach Organizes the image in Heirarchial Structure
Components of the system Image Database Feature Extraction Image Querying
Case Studies: Building
ASIA Technique Annotation is done by high level concepts such as ‘car’, ‘water’ etc. Datbase images are matched based on the concept.
ASIA Algorithm
ASIA (contd..)
Experimental Studies
Conclusion Monotonic approach annotates the images based on a model. The model does not differentiate the real world objects. AISA approach can annotate the images which are complex. It does the matching offline and is much faster in retrieving the image.
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