Jack Pinches INFO410 & INFO350 S INFORMATION SCIENCE Computer Vision I
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 2 INFORMATION SCIENCE Topics Definition Related Fields Application Examples Application Overview Typical Tasks Methods Feature Detection Feature Description Feature Matching Exam Questions Resources
Defining Computer Vision
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 4 INFORMATION SCIENCE Formal Definition Making useful decisions about real physical objects and scenes based on images (Shapiro & Stockman, 2001). Extracting descriptions of the world from pictures of sequences of pictures (Forsyth & Ponce, 2003). Analysing images and producing descriptions that can be used to interact with the environment (Horn, 1986). Designing representations and algorithms for relating images to models of the world (Ballard & Brown, 1982).
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 5 INFORMATION SCIENCE Informal Definition Consists of acquiring, processing, analysing images/video of the real world To produce information or descriptions Often used as part of decision making
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 6 INFORMATION SCIENCE Definition Extract “meaning” from pixels What we seeWhat a computer sees
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 7 INFORMATION SCIENCE Why is it important? Images and videos are everywhere, and growing in numbers. Trying to mimic human vision and understanding with computers. Humans have good visual understanding – large amount of the brain devoted to visual processing. Difficult to mimic. Human level visual perception may be strong AI or “AI complete”.
Application Examples
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 10 INFORMATION SCIENCE Applications AgricultureAugmented RealityAutonomous VehiclesBiometricsCharacter RecognitionForensicsIndustrial Quality InspectionFace RecognitionMedical Image AnalysisPollution MonitoringProcess ControlRemote SensingRoboticsSecurity and SurveillanceTransport
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 11 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Examples Face Detection: “Feature” included on many digital cameras
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 12 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Examples Automatic number plate recognition: Used by law enforcement Automatic tolling stations Road surveillance
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 13 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Examples Facial Recognition: Airport Security Check the person matches the passport photo Used in NZ
Application Overview
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 15 INFORMATION SCIENCE Typical Tasks Detection: Image scanned for a specific condition. E.g. detection of humans as part of a security system, or vehicles at automatic toll system. Recognition: Pre-learned objects can be recognized. E.g. recognition of a specific album cover. Description: Extracting data about specific object of interest. E.g. colour information, 2D position or 3D position.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 16 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Methods Image Acquisition: Image is produced by one or several image sensors. The image may have some associated meta data. Pre-processing: Process image to ensure it meets requirements. Examples: Re-sample the image to check it’s what’s expected to be outputted. Noise reduction so sensor noise doesn’t add false information. Contrast alteration so important features can be detected.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 17 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Methods Feature extraction: Image features are extracted from the image data. Examples: Lines, edges, intersections Complex examples could include texture, shape, or motion Detection: Decide which image regions are required for further processing.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 18 INFORMATION SCIENCE Application Methods High level processing: Usually small set of the original data. Image region which assume contains a specific object. Examples: Estimation of object pose or size Object recognition Final decision: Make final decision for the application. Examples: Match/no match in recognition application Flag if human review needed (medical, military applications)
Feature Detection
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 20 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Detection Methods that try to extract image information. Decisions made if there is an image feature or not. Features will be a subset of the image. Different approaches available.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 21 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Detection – Image Features Edges: Points where there is a boundary between two image regions. Can be almost any shape.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 22 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Detection – Image Features Corners (interest points): Originally called corner as early algorithms performed edge detection. Then looked for edges which have rapid direction change. Can look for high level of curvature.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 23 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Detection – Image Features Blobs: Aimed at detecting regions of an image. The region may differ in properties (such as brightness or colour) compared to surrounding images.
Feature Description
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 25 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Description Feature Description Methods: SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transform SURF: Speeded up Robust Features GLOH: Gradient Location and Orientation Histogram HOG: Histogram of Orientated Gradients
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 26 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Description - SIFT Detect and describe features in images. Developed by David Lowe in Algorithm described in: Lowe, David G. (1999). "Object recognition from local scale-invariant features". Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision 2. pp. 1150–1157. doi: /ICCV C++ Implementation:
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 27 INFORMATION SCIENCE Input an image. Output is a list of points on the image each associated to a vector of low level descriptors. These points are called the keypoints. Provide a local image description. The points and their descriptions are invariant by rescaling, orientation, and some changes of illumination. Used to find visual correspondences between images for different applications, such as image alignment or object recognition. Feature Description - SIFT
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 28 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Description – SIFT Image Description 813 Keypoints (slide 4)
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 29 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Description – SIFT Application Align two images to produce a new image.
Feature Matching
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 31 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching – Why do it? Fusing image from different sensors or times Detect changes between images Produce a new large image by overlapping/stitching smaller images E.g. Panorama Object recognition by comparing an image to a reference image or model
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 33 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching Different Techniques: SIFT RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) Cross Correlation Nearest Neighbour Techniques Exhaustive Comparison
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 34 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching – What makes a good feature? Uniqueness: No ambiguous matches between images Look for “interest points”: image regions that unique are (or at least unusual) Defining unusual?
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 35 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching – With SIFT Can detect interest points, create feature descriptors. Compare feature descriptors between images.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 36 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching – With Cross Correlation Determine the important features: Unique colour/structure of the neighbourhood Geometry or topology of neighbourhood Vectors show the movement of the neighbourhood.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 37 INFORMATION SCIENCE Feature Matching 1)Determine points 2)Match Neighbourhoods
Potential Exam Questions
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 39 INFORMATION SCIENCE Exam Questions Define computer vision, and include the typical tasks that could be expected in a computer vision application. Explain why it is important to use good feature descriptors for feature matching, use applications examples to support your reasoning. Explain how you would design and implement a license plate detection and recognition application.
INFO410 S COMPUTER VISION I SLIDE 40 INFORMATION SCIENCE Resources Computer Vision: SIFT: Features, Matching, and Detection: