Al Masmia Secondary School
A presentation for If Conditionals Types 0, 1, 2 P r e p a r e d b y : T. F a t m a T u b a s i D e s i g n e d b y : T. S a m a h M a d i
Type 0 : 1.When you boil water, it turns into steam. 2.When winter ends, temperature begins to rise.
Type 1: 1.We will go to the sea, if the weather is sunny. 2.If you study hard you will succeed. 3.When you travel by train, you will enjoy the trip.
Type 2: 1.IF you lived in Germany you would be different. 2.IF I were super man, I would fly. 3.IF I had a lot of money, I would buy a car.
FORMS TT ype Zero: IIF + present Simple, present Simple. WWhen + present Simple, present Simple. TT ype one: IIF + present Simple, will + inf. WWhen + present Simple, will + inf. TT ype two: IIF + past Simple, would + inf.
Uses Type zero : For facts Type one : For things might happen. Type two : For things that are impossible, or Can’t happen in the near future.
Work sheet Objective : Use if conditionals correctly to make sentences. Dear student, You are going to answer the following questions. 1)Choose the correct answer : 1.If the temperature is increasing, all the land ice ( - - ). meltsmeltwill melt
2. If Ahmed gets high marks, he ( – - ) the faculty of medicine. 3. When you burn trees, smoke ( - - ) of it. 4. If I ( - - ) to USA, I would cross the Atlantic. will join joinsjoin come outcomes out would come out fly flewflies
2 ) Correct the underlined word: 1. If he studied hard,he (pass) the test. If he studied hard, he would pass the test. 2. When we put water in the fridge, it (will become) cool. When we put water in the fridge, it become cool. 3. If you (will work) hard, you will get money. If you work hard, you will get money.