Intro to Science Scientific Exploration
Vocabulary Science-the human effort to understand the natural world Nature of Science- the values and beliefs behind science and scientific exploration Scientist- people who propose explanations for questions about the natural world
Cooperate- two people working together and someone is in charge Collaborate- two people working together but both are equal Consensus- an agreed upon decision
Vocabulary Contd. Hypothesis- educated guess Engineer- A person who uses scientific knowledge to design useful things Black box- a system that can not be directly observed or easily understood Model- a representation that explains how something is built or how it works System- parts that work together or share the same space in a meaningful way
Vocabulary Contd. Conceptual Model- ideas that suggest what a system is or how it works. Ideas that exist in a person’s mind or on paper Physical Model- May be a scaled model, either larger or smaller than the actual system it represents. It is a model you can touch
Why do we create models? Scientists make models to help them understand how systems work. Why do models change over time? When scientists discover new evidence and collaborate with other scientists, they sometimes change their models.